产品解析|第13期:Oxford Nanopore Sequencing 第三代测序技术——测序界的“拍立得” 扬清芯片 让微流控研究变得更简单1 人赞同了该文章 测序技术从上世纪90年代初发展至今,取得了长足的进步,为“人类基因组计划“的发展提供了方法学基础。同时为人类在遗传疾病预测及临床检测、疾病诊断,高危疾病筛查及基因药物检测等...
什么是 Nanopore 社区 关于Oxford Nanopore 新闻 公司历程 可持续发展 领导团队 媒体资源和联系方式 投资者 合作者 在Oxford Nanopore 工作 职位空缺 商业信息 联系我们 英国牛津(总部) 英国哈韦尔 美国纽约 (NY) 美国列克星敦 (MA) 美国旧金山 (CA)
Nanopore sequencing works on the principle that as nucleic acid molecules pass through a nanopore channel in a membrane that separates two electrolyte-filled chambers, it disrupts the current and produces a characteristic electrical signal.The chamber where sequencing occurs is called the cis side, whi...
Long-read Oxford Nanopore sequencing has democratized microbial genome sequencing and enables the recovery of highly contiguous microbial genomes from isolates or metagenomes. However, to obtain near-finished genomes it has been necessary to include shor
Abstract Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has the potential to detect cryptic transmission of pathogens causing healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). We sought to establish an Oxford Nanopore Technologies pipeline capable of providing accurate, WGS-bas
The Loman, Quick and Simpson (LQS) pipeline [17] presents an excellent example on how a high quality assembly could be produced from nanopore sequencing data by following the steps of preassembly data processing, overlap detection, consensus generation, and finally contig base polishing using the ...
Oxford nanopore long-read sequencing enables the generation of complete bacterial and plasmid genomes without short-read sequencingdoi:10.3389/fmicb.2023.1179966BACTERIAL genomesBACTERIAL genesDRUG resistance in bacteriaMULTIDRUG resistanceDRUG resistance in microorganisms...
Nanopore Accuarcy 当前Nanopore测序下级数据仍然以Q7作为数据过滤的一个标准。PacBio三代测序平台由于有CCS校准模式(也有参数可以设置),一般来说HiFi数据个人觉得不用做质控,但对于现在的ONT数据个人建议做个质控查看一下数据质量,如果有需要可以做一下reads过滤。相信随着ONT的测序准确度越来越高以及Duplex测序方式,今后...
Environmental DNA metabarcoding of freshwater fish in Malaysian tropical rivers using short-read nanopore sequencing as a potential biomonitoring tool publication2024年3月9日 Air monitoring by nanopore sequencing publication2023年12月22日 Imputation strategies for genomic prediction using nanopore sequencing ...