If this problem persists, please report it viasupport@nanoporetech.com. {"message":"[GET] \"/_nuxt/builds/meta/1046e4cf-32b4-4853-8c75-e3c4866fe30a.json\": 503 Service Unavailable","statusCode":503,"statusMessage":"Service Unavailable","data":"\n"}...
本公司生产销售三代测序仪 测序仪,提供三代测序仪专业参数,三代测序仪价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.三代测序仪 三代测序仪 品牌Oxford|产地浙江|价格8888.00元|电源5V|尺寸20cm|重量3kg|准确度100%|装箱数1|品种三代测序仪|是否支持加工定制否|工作温度常温|
Oxford Nanopore Technologies (direct) Avantor (distributor) The Introductory pack for MinION Mk1D is a limited offer to customers in countries that are served directly by Oxford Nanopore Technologies or through Avantor. We anticipate that the product will be available through more distribution partners...
MinION is the only portable real-time device for DNA and RNA sequencing. Each consumable flow cell can now generate 10–30 Gb of DNA sequence data. The MinION streams data in real time so that analysis can be performed during the experiment and workflows are fully versatile. ...
Oxford Nanopore Technologies、风轮图标、EPI2ME、Flongle、GridION、Metrichor、MinION、MinIT、MinKNOW、Plongle、 PromethION、SmidgION、Ubik 和 VolTRAX 是 Oxford Nanopore Technologies plc 在不同国家的注册商标。Oxford Nanopore Technologies 产品并非旨在用于健康评估或 诊断、治疗、缓解、治愈或预防任何疾病或状况...
Figure 1. The MinION sequencing device DNA sequencing is performed by adding the sample to the flowcell. When DNA molecules pass through or near the nanopore, there will be a change in the magnitude of the current in the nanopore, which is measured by a sensor. The data streams are passed...
Oxford Nanopore Technologies、风轮图标、EPI2ME、Flongle、GridION、Metrichor、MinION、MinIT、MinKNOW、Plongle、 PromethION、SmidgION、Ubik 和 VolTRAX 是 Oxford Nanopore Technologies plc 在不同国家的注册商标。Oxford Nanopore Technologies 产品并非旨在用于健康评估或 诊断、治疗、缓解、治愈或预防任何疾病或状况...
品牌 Oxford Nanopore 产品名称 纳米孔测序、三代测序仪 国产/进口 英国 型号1 测序芯片 数量 1 可售卖地 北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;江西;山东;河南;湖北;湖南;广东;广西;海南;重庆;四川;贵州;云南;西藏;陕西;甘肃;青海;宁夏;新疆 型号 Minion 该设备...
我们使用直接 RNA 测序试剂盒(30 个流动池)在 Oxford Nanopore MinION 上对 CEPH1463(NA12878/GM12878,Ceph/Utah 谱系)人类基因组参考标准进行了测序,并使用 1D 连接试剂盒(SQK-LSK108)在 R9.4 流动池上使用 R9.4 化学试剂(FLO-MIN106)进行了测序。从培养的细胞系中提取了来自 GM12878 人类细胞系(Ceph/Utah...