The Oxford Wordlist includes the 500 most frequently used words by children in their first three years of school. We've examined these word choices against the same demographic criteria used in the first research conducted in 2007.
mesmerize | EnglishClass101 | 90 Minutes of English Conversation Practice 255 -- 1:01:00 App 【precedent】【Canguro English】如何阅读理解一本英语书 117 1 1:22:22 App halcyon/ Canguro English/ 重音和身份(和Erik Singer连线) 183 -- 1:10:51 App culminate | 英语角直播 | Should I get mar...
The OED is the definitive record of the English language, featuring 600,000 words, 3 million quotations, and over 1,000 years of English.
wordlist词汇表adjadvoxfordprep高中外语学习英语词典 TheOxford3000wordlistThekeywordsoftheOxford3000havebeencarefullyselectedbyagroupoflanguageexpertsandexperiencedteachersasthewordswhichshouldreceivepriorityinvocabularystudybecauseoftheirimportanceandusefulness.a,anindefinitearticleabandonv.abandonedadj.abilityn.ableadj.un... 常用短语表同样按照CEFR进行了分级,且惊喜地同样提供了英式和美式两种标准读音。 用"惊喜"二字形容的原因是,这里所搭配的读音是牛津官网为这份词表特意录制的,完美保留了正常语流下的连读、弱读等语言现象,而不是词组内几个独立单词发音的机械...
The Oxford 3000 wordlist - and who compiled it? 'The Oxford 3000 is a compiled list of 3,000 keywords in English - the most important and useful words which students need to learn.' How were the words selected? 'There are three criteria:...
SpellingPractice 拼写练习 Matching Game拖拽跳动的单词到对应图片的位置。 拖动小车选择单元主题。 点击飘动的气球进入各练习环节,每个单元的练习不都一致。 Word List 单词表 单词书电子版和互动学习软件都已经给大家准备好了,提高英语从增加词汇量开始吧!
The Oxford 3000 is a list of the 3000 most important words to learn in English. In January 2019 we released an updated Oxford 3000 list and other brand new word lists to help learners and teachers with their English language learning. Find out more and view all the new lists: Oxford ...
The Oxford 3000™ The Oxford 3000 is the list of the 3000 most important words to learn in English, from A1 to B2 level.a, an indefinite article A1 abandon v. B2 ability n. A2 able adj. A2 about prep., adv. A1 above prep., adv. A1 abroad adv. A2 absolute adj. B2 absolutely ...
小朋友学了Phonics、sight words掌握了一定的口语以后,就要开始真正的背单词了。 这一步迈出来很难,需要爸爸妈妈在家耐心的反复的,用不同的方法激发孩子的兴趣去记忆拼写单词。 相比其他词典,其具备如下特点: 这本书有固定的主角Jill和Mike,每单元的短文都是围绕在他们生活的周围事物,让整本书读起来有故事性。