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Oxford University Press是牛津大学出版社(美国),在纽约。牛津大学出版社是全球最具规模的大学出版社,每年出版逾四千种书刊。牛津大学出版社的出版物以涉猎广泛著称,包括《圣经》、学术著作及期刊、教科书、英语教学专书、词典、工具书、工商管理及音乐专著、儿童书等。大部份牛津大学出版社出版的书刊,...
Oxford University Press (OUP) publishes the highest quality journals and delivers this research to the widest possible audience. They achieve this by working closely with our society partners, authors, and subscribers in order to provide them with publishing services that support their research needs....
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John Eade; Reviews Section, Community Development Journal, Volume 27, Issue 4, 1 October 1992, Pages 413–414, https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordjournals.cdj.a0
This article reports on the funding received by two journals published by Oxford University Press from the Joint Information Systems Committee of Great Britain in response to its Open Access Initiative Invitation to Tender. The funds will allow the two journals to continue experimenting with open-...
Oxford Journals Collection(牛津期刊现刊库)收录了超过350种久负盛名的权威期刊,透过与全球一些最具影响力的学术和专业学协会合作出版,进一步弘扬我们卓于研究、博于学术、笃于教育的传统。期刊库中收录的高影响力期刊涵盖了医学、生命科学、人文科学、社会科学、数学和物理学以及法律六大学科领域。
The Chinese Journal of International Law (JIL) aspires to be a general journal unlimited in scope or viewpoint, while attempting to present materials and viewpoints from and/or about China (about 60% of the space each year) and other parts of Asia and the developing world at large....