MSc in Economic and Social History msc-economic-and-social-history 要点概括: • 英本一等或者接近一等学位 • 建议国内均分88%+(985/211/双一流),其余院校均分93%+ • 要求人文、社科类背景,同时对RP撰写有详细的描述和规范 • 不需要GMAT/GRE成绩 • 有相关工作经验的申请者,会考虑适当降低录...
测测专业申请成功率 History (History of Science and Medicine & Economic and Social History) 历史(科学和医学的历史和经济和社会历史) 学位类型: 专业方向:社会科学与管理 所属学校:University of Oxford (牛津大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...
以及,MSc Social Anthropology社会人类学硕士、MPhil Economic and Social History经济与社会史硕士、MSc Modelling for Global Health全球健康建模理学硕士、MSc Sociology社会学硕士、MPhil Politics: European Pol and Soc MPhil Politics 欧洲政治与社会硕士、MSc Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching语言教学的应用...
牛津大学各硕士专业发offer数量都较少。Offer数量最多的是Mphil Economics经济学(研究型2年),Offer数量170个;其次是Msc Financial Economics金融经济学,数量119个。其余专业offer数量仅为数十个甚至个位数,MSc Economics for Development发展经济学offer数量有61个,MSc Economic and Social History经济与社会史offer数...
没有录取率特别低的专业,大多数专业录取率在29%左右。录取率最低的是MSc Financial Economics金融经济学,为17.9%;录取率最高的是MSc Economic and Social History经济与社会史,为32.8%。热门专业中,Mphi Economics经济学(研究型2年)录取率为27.4%。 数据来源:巨五留学G5offer整理 ...
Economic and Social History MSc 截止日期:2020.1.10 学制11个月,£26,405 · Humanities Interdisciplinary Courses 中古研究 Medieval Studies MSt 截止日期:2020.1.10 学制9个月,£26,405 女性研究 Women's Studies MSt 截止日期:2020.1.10 学制9个月,£26,405 ...
MSc Economic & Social History MSc Economics for Development MSc Global Governance and Diplomacy Eni Scholarships Benefits. The scholarship provides 100% of university and college fees, and an annual grant for living costs of £14,553 for 12 month courses and £10,915 for 9 month courses. Th...
MSc in Mathematical and Computational Finance; MSc in Economic and Social History; MSc in Economics for Development; MSc in Contemporary Chinese Studies; MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice; MSc in Education (Child Development and Education); ...
Economic history is a distifnctive empirical strand of economics, which has been studied and taught at Oxford since the 1860s. Innovation has been provided by a succession of able scholars, and continuity by a stable syllabus in both modern history and social studies. Enduring themes are ...