Create an account for your child to unlock all questions from the app. Access code This code gives free access to all questions in the app for 18 months. By clicking Create Account, you agree to ourPrivacy Policy,Data PolicyandTerms of Use. ...
提供App 内购买项目 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 Discover Oxford is a quiz game with content from Oxford University Press. Play on your own or against your friends in an exciting multiplayer contest that tests your knowledge. Choose your favourite topics and prove you're the best at answering questions...
Oxford Discover Futures is an English language learning program designed to help students shape their futures with an inquiry-based approach and a focus on 21st Century Skills. Empowered by Visang Education's AllviA platform, AllviA Oxford Discover Futures creates engaging interactive classroom environme...
💎Oxford Discover优点:🩷1. 培养思考能力每个单元围绕一个主题展开每个主题下的big question 有很多批判性问题来锻炼思者能力💜2. 多方面渗透语法知识课本配备了专门的语法书discover grammar,还有词汇研究word study和写作研究writing study,能覆盖很多细碎的语法点知识。比如:词根词缀和句型结构等; 💙3. 听说...
课程特色 问题设计:教材以Big Questions激发学生好奇心,鼓励学生探索世界,引导其批判性思考和表达 阅读话题广泛:故事类和非故事类话题读写练习,培养和提高学生创造性英语表达技能;听写读写技能全面提升:预…
新的“Oxford Discover App”激励学生在课外扩展他们的学习。教材组件:Oxford Discover 第二版包括学生用书、工作手册、电子书、语法书、写作和拼写书、教师包、课堂音频CD、海报、图片卡以及课堂演示工具等。语言水平:该教材适合初学者至初级水平的学生(A1 – B2)。荣誉:Oxford Discover 曾荣获2015年英国议会ELTons...
Oxford Discover 第二版是由牛津大学出版社发行的一套英语教材,专为小学生设计,旨在培养学生的21世纪技能,包括批判性思维、交流、协作和创造力。以下是该教材的详细介绍: 教学法:Oxford Discover 第二版基于其行之有效的教学法,通过探究式学习鼓励学生参与,促进合作和团队工作,并推动学生创造性地思考。 “Big Questio...
App 【已更新到U16 第185节】Tina 老师【牛津教材Oxford Discover 第一版】牛津大学金奖教材 6101 0 13:32 App 01.讲给家长听的课程介绍 Oxford Discover 1 牛津探索发现系列课程 1.6万 2 03:22:05 App 【英国外教精讲 Oxford discover】sarah老师精讲牛津探索第二版 ...
This app enables students to access their AllviA Oxford Discover Futures. Oxford Discover Futures is an English language learning program designed to help stud…
This app enables students to access their AllviA Oxford Discover Futures. Oxford Discover Futures is an English language learning program designed to help students shape their futures with an inquiry-based approach and a focus on 21st Century Skills. Empowered by Visang Education's AllviA platform,...