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《Oxford Read and Discover》由1518165dgdi创作,目前已更新164个节目,包含Your Five Senses 1.Your Sense of Sigh、10.Save Water!、9.Too Much Water、8.Other animals、7.Ocean Animals等内容。用声音分享人类智慧,用声音服务美好生活,更多好内容尽在喜马拉雅。
《Oxford Read and Discover Level 3: Free Time Around the World (Book+CD)牛津阅读和发现读本系列--3 环游世界 书附CD套装》作者:Oxford University Press,出版社:2010年1月,ISBN:170.30。TheAudioCDPackcontainsacopyofthebookalongwithanaud
and Levels 1 to 6) for students from age 4 and older. They offer great stories to read and enjoy.Activities provide Cambridge Young Learner Exams preparation.At Levels 1 to 6, every storybook reader links to an Oxford Read and Discover non-fiction reader.Audio in a choice of American and ...
Discover cutting-edge leadership strategies taught by seasoned experts in the field. Duration: 8 weeks Rating: 4.6 out of 5 You canSign up Here Management Development Program (Wharton University of Pennsylvania Executive Education) This management development program will prepare you to excel in manage...
For the best car rental prices, useDiscover Cars. When to Go to Oxford Summer (July-August) is peak tourism season in Oxford, and temperatures are the warmest during this time — but rarely do they go above 22°C (72°F). It’s perfect weather for exploring, punting, and relaxing in...
–Discover the fundamentals of algorithms and their integration practices with trading and earn a course completion certificate. –Learn to identify and verify the primary data points that you need to create algorithms. –Learn how to save time by creating specific technical strategies to automate rep...
Oxford Apartment-- Free parking 2 Bedrooms-2Bathrooms-Located in Jericho Oxford close to Bus and Rai supports up to 5, with payment card options such as Discover Card, UnionPay, MasterCard, and Visa. What do guests love most about Oxford Apartment-- Free parking 2 Bedrooms-2Bathrooms-Located...
Availability:200 In stockSKU NO:45749507154 USD56.38 Quantity: (200Instock) Total Price:USD56.38x1=USD56.38 Register as a member and enjoy preferential price Add to Wishlist ISBN 9780194596275 Authorkaj schwermer publisher nameOxford Oxford Phonics World Level 5 Student Book Workbook Account Number Oxf...
Oxford Apartment-- Free parking 2 Bedrooms-2Bathrooms-Located in Jericho Oxford close to Bus and Rai supports up to 5, with payment card options such as Discover Card, UnionPay, MasterCard, and Visa. What do guests love most about Oxford Apartment-- Free parking 2 Bedrooms-2Bathrooms-Located...