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This flagship dictionary draws on the databases of Australian English at the Australian National Dictionary Centre – including its fast-growing national corpus and its research into Australian English, as well as the resources of the incomparable Oxford English Dictionary ...
In 1844, the Philological Society of London began investigating the creation of a new English dictionary. This initial foray would lead to a dictionary that would be unlike any other dictionary ever created. It would not just give the definition and spelling of a word, but a complete history ...
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Combines Oxford's largest single-volume English Dictionary and largest Thesaurus, plus audio, all in one application —making this the largest Oxford English ref…
Enfour, Inc. has built Oxford's largest single volume English Dictionary, plus audio —making this the largest Oxford English reference app on ANY platform. ●…
German-English Dictionary module for OS X's Dictionary application that is based on the fabulous community-driven dict. German-EnglishDictionarymodule for OS X'sDictionaryapplication that is based on the fabulous community-driven onlineDictionary. This package enhances Mac OS X Leopard?s (...