The story of metallurgy in ancient Greece spans five millennia and a geographic range reaching from the Greek colonies in the west to Anatolia and the Levant. An interdisciplinary effort, its study engages archaeological fieldwork, historical texts, and scientific analyses, and has moved from social...
The Pocket Oxford Classical Greek Dictionary is an elementary level dictionary ideal for learners of Classical Greek at school and university level. It covers over 20,000 Greek words and phrases in clear, user-friendly translations, and over 4,000 English words in common usage. The dictionary als...
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Unlike fairy tales and fables, Greek myths focus on specifically named individuals, such as Heracles and Athena, who interact with other such individuals across a span of different stories, creating a network of stories and characters. Although Greek myths explore many of the same plots and ...
Oxford Classical DictionaryJefferson, Eleanor
The most authoritative and accessible dictionary of its kind, this is an essential reference for both scholars and non-specialists with an interest in the classical era. Bibliographic Information Publisher: Oxford University Press Print Publication Date: ...
牛津古典辞典 英文原版 The Oxford Classical Dictionary 第4版 精装 Simon Hornblower 英文版 进口英语书籍 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:0元起 服务支持退换 · 7天无理由退货 · 收货后结算 参数 纸质; 版本 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 质量很好(154) 正品(124) 坚固耐用(50) 厚度适中(...
comprehensive source of reference which aims to answer all their questions about the classical world. In over 6,200 entries written by the very best of classical scholars from all over the world the Dictionary provides coverage of Greek and Roman history, literature, myth, religion, linguistics, ...
The dictionary for me is my Scheherazade. Plus it can spell Scheherazade.——Amy Tan The Opposite of Fate 译文: 我还想说词典,任何无删节版的词典都是最好的。我阅读词汇表就像读故事一样。在它们的细微差别中,我看到了各种可能性。和许多作家一样,我对文字充满热情。时至今日,我仍喜欢阅读词典,包括死...