Every year, we help millions of people around the world to learn English by publishing a variety of resources, including theOxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, to enrich learning. Find out more about Oxford’s offering for English language learners Oxford Dictionaries for Children Our children's...
This new edition of the Oxford Children's Colour Dictionary is ideal for a head start in reading, writing and spelling at primary school. With clear definitions and helpful notes, and now including brand new writing tips from top...Oxford Dictionaries...
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It was started in London in 1919 and provides services such as education, healthcare and emergency relief in many of the world's poorer countries. It also works to help children in Britain. Definitions on the go Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with the Oxford...
(North American Englishbooger) (informal)a piece of driedmucusfrom inside your nose (alsobogy) abogeyman(= an imaginary evil spirit that is used to frighten children) (in golf)a score of onestroke(= hit of the ball)overpar(= the standard score for a hole)comparebirdie,eagleTopic...
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