public virtual Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.Builders.OwnedNavigationBuilder OwnsOne (string ownedTypeName, string navigationName); 參數 ownedTypeName String 此關聯性目標實體類型的名稱。 navigationName String 此實體類型上代表關聯性的參考導覽屬性名稱。 傳回 OwnedNavigationB...
} would clear the existing value ofgdp. Although EF Core can update just thePopulationcolumn, JSON:API has no concept of merging the individual fieldswithinan attribute. If you're in need of that,JSON columnsmay better suit your needs. Adding non-MSSQL support is on theroadmapof EF Core ...
@ same我今天遇到了同样的问题,谢谢你分享你的解决方案。这里是我的解决方案,您不需要OwnedAttribute,...