In One Sentence: Staring for prolonged period of time is in effort to reduce a person to the status of an object. How To Use it: Use staring when one wants to intimidate others. Staring harshly during aggression can belittle and degrade. When it is done in a sexual context, staring can...
Examples ofCommunity ownershipin a sentence Hence, an atmosphere ofCommunity ownershipand involvement in asset management is ensured. Community ownershipand program accountability will be achieved through participatory, local level programming and through social accountability mechanisms such as participatory M&E...
Lataa PDF-tiedosto palvelimesta Lue englanniksi Tallenna Lisää kokoelmiin Lisää suunnitelmaan Tulosta TwitterLinkedInFacebookSähköposti 6.109 JournalOwnershipSyntax Artikkeli 27.06.2023 1 avustaja Palaute [values] Automatic Whether or not this Frame will create and ...
Get in touch If you would like any further information please complete the contact us form. 1. Data as at 31 December 2023. This comprised 2,021 engagements in the environmental category, 354 in social, 561 in governance and 123 in other areas. 2. Data as at 31 December 2023. LGIM...
It remains to be seen whether this is actually the case or whether different assessment standards are applied in the evaluation of ASA category leading to a misclassification bias. In Germany, surgically treated patients have higher ASA stages than patients receiving CAS, which seems also ...
X Corp. v. Bright Data being reported in the press for an odd proposition, quoting this sentence: “X Corp. wants it both ways: to keep its safe harbors yet exercise a copyright owner’s right to exclude, wresting fees from those who wish to extract and copy X users’ content...
IndustrySavings institution, federally chartered CompanyWest Essex Bancorp Inc SEC Filing ID0000928385-99-001035 SEC Filing Type10-k405 SEC Exhibit IDex-10 Exclude Amendmentsnot_amendment Languageen Top Level CategoryFinance, Investment & Banking ...
For example, in the sentence “the computer sends data (e.g., instructions, a data structure) over the Internet”, the term “e.g.” explains that “instructions” are an example of “data” that the computer may send over the Internet, and also explains that “a data structure” is ...
Get in touch Get in touch If you would like any further information please complete the contact us form. 1. Data as at 31 December 2023. This comprised 2,021 engagements in the environmental category, 354 in social, 561 in governance and 123 in other areas. 2. Data as at 31 Decem...
6.93 ImeSentenceModeValuesSyntax 6.94 InheritanceBehaviorSyntax 6.95 InkCanvasClipboardFormatSyntax 6.96 InkCanvasEditingModeSyntax 6.97 InkCanvasSelectionHitResultSyntax 6.98 InputMethodStateSyntax 6.99 InputModeSyntax 6.100 InputScopeNameValueSyntax 6.101 InputScopeSyntax 6.102 InputTypeSyntax 6.103...