(redirected fromOwn3d) Thesaurus own (ōn) adj. Of or belonging to oneself or itself:She makes her own clothes. n. That which belongs to one:I wanted a room of my own. v.owned,own·ing,owns v.tr. 1. a.To have or possess as property:owns a chain of restaurants. ...
Own3d 动作/ 爱情 2016美国上映 想看看过简介 The film centers on an earnest college student moonlighting as a small time drug dealer on his college campus whose dealings soon conflict with the interests of the town's drug lord, pulling him further into a chaotic world of greed and violence ...
own3d_damato的個人資料 偵察直升機0/9 攻擊快艇1/15 步兵戰車0/17 攻擊噴射機0/9 攻擊直升機0/12 主戰坦克1/19 隱形噴射機0/10 防空0/14 隱匿塗裝 偵察直升機 分數110 / 3,000 增加敵方瞄準系統鎖定載具所需時間的特殊電鍍。
own3d_damato 僅跟好友分享。 戰士 OWN3D_DAMATO own3d_damato 檢視所有戰士製作團隊 Frostbite技術提供 硬體夥伴 歐洲 北美 ESRB 17+ Blood and Gore Intense Violence Strong Language 除非明確標明,本遊戲與任何武器、載具或裝備製造商沒有從屬關係、贊助關係或支持背書關係。 © 2015 ELECTRONIC ARTS...
A practical approach to partnerships OWN3D uses Xsolla Partner Network to power its own OWN3D Partner Network. It converts customers into influencers, and webmasters into affiliates. While they started with a single pilot program to gauge customer interest, the program proved so successful so quic...
导读:著名的直播网站own3Dtv今日在官方博客上宣布,own3Dtv将在明天正式关闭网站。 “亲爱的玩家,亲爱的各位own3Dtv主播们,今天要告诉你们一个坏消息。own3D管理层决定在2013年2月1日停止运营。作为一家以直播游戏为主要的网站,我们拥有了大量的观众。公司一直试图去商业运营化,但由于市场的日益激烈的竞争,我们无法...
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