As human stewards of these magnificent creatures, we are responsible for putting their needs ahead of our own desire to see them or photograph them up close. When you are out and about and happen to see a Snowy, take a few photos, andmove on. The owls are completely and fully aware of...
Only 186 of them were interviewed and no sound conclusions are possible, however the “force of habit” was indicated by only six volunteers (3.2%) while the rest indicated various social obligations such as little children at home, pets, and morning prayers as reasons to keep the wake time...
This study includes many new records and reports Sternaspis affinis Stimpson, 1864 from USA Pacific coastline and genetic connectivity between specimens identified as Sternaspis cf. annenkovae Salazar-Vallejo & Buzhinskaja, 2013 from off southeastern Australia and specimens identified as Sternaspis cf...