Luz and Amity, from “The Owl House.” (Disney) “The Owl House” is Disney’s first animated series starring an out LGBTQ character (specifically, Luz is bi). Within the show, this is treated as a non-issue, though a brief scene in the third season premiere shows Luz coming out to...
Luz Noceda is the protagonist of The Owl House. She is an eager, teenage Afro-Latina human[2] who accidentally stumbles upon a portal leading to the Boiling Isles. To prove herself as a witch, Luz begins learning magic under Eda's guidance, despite not having any magical abilities of her...
Your curse is returning. 猫头鹰魔法社第一季第六集 The Owl House S01E06 Hottys Moving Hassel 鹰鹰的移♥动♥城♥堡♥ 天哪太糟糕了 Oh, boy. This is terrible. 我没有魔药了 I'm out of elixir. 上次没有魔药的时候你变成了这样 Uh, last time this happened you turned...
while Luz, Eda and King are off on adventures. 但是鹰鹿你就是猫头鹰魔法社本身 But, Hooty, you are the Owl House. 你保护着住在那里的每一个人 You take care of everyone inside you. 如果这都不算有价值那怎么样才算呢 If that isn't a wort:hy purpose, then what is?大家还好吗鹰鹰屋住户...
The Owl House: Created by Dana Terrace. With Sarah-Nicole Robles, Alex Hirsch, Wendie Malick, Tati Gabrielle. Accidentally sent to the world of the Boiling Isles before a trip to summer camp, a teenage human named Luz longs to become a witch and is aided
The following episodes of The Owl House are listed in the order of their scheduled airing. The series premiered on January 10, 2020. Disney Channel ordered a second season for the series ahead of its series premiere. Along with the premiere announcement
s outside with Luz trying to cure Eda. Lilith becomes annoyed that her mom’s attention is on Eda yet again. She tries to brush off her frustration but suddenly the curse begins taking over. She runs around the house, not being able to find an elixir anywhere in the house after...
house 真应该开着它去兜风 adshouldtotallytakeitoajoyride. 好吧好吧 Okay,okay. 不过我们一定要在月亮下山之前回来否则伊达会 杀了我 Butwevegottabebackbeforethemoosets orEdawillkillme.耶兜风 Yeah!Joyride! 诅咒我需要魔药快 Thecurse.Ieedthatelixir.Quick. ...
t keep doing that. He wants to play with the real Eda but Kng reminds him that she’s still dealing with the curse. King promises to check on Eda. The Collector and King head off to the archive house and Luz runs out after them. The happy facade in town drops and all the toys ...
Hará que Luz se quede en The Owl House Un mundo irreaLRepleto de hadas y magia donde llegara Una humana, capaz, de afrontar toda adversidad Que espera a casa a salvo regresar Un mundo sin piedad Repleto de hechizo y monstruos que gobernara ...