ready(function (){ $('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ items:5, center:true, autoplay:true, autoPlayTimeout:1000, autoplaySpeed:3000, autoHeight:true, autoplayHoverPause:false, loop:true, // smartSpeed:1000, margin:5, responsive:{ 480:{ items:3, margin:2 }, 919:{ items:4, margin:4 ...
我知道您可以调整 Owl Carousel 以在特定断点处在屏幕上显示一定数量的图像。但我希望能够完全关闭它,删除所有 div 等。 这是我目前正在使用的笔:点击预览 HTML: <divid="carousel"> <divclass="carousel-item"style="background-image: url( The carousel now triggers on each initial tab change, but on returning to a previously triggered tab the carousel doesn't restart. I think it has something to do with the owl.carousel event already having been bound to the element, but I'm not su...
```bash git clone<your-username>/OwlCarousel2.git cd OwlCarousel2 git remote add upstream ``` If you cloned a while ago, get the latest changes from upstream: ```bash git checkout develop git pull [--rebase] ...
$('.sliderImgs').owlCarousel({ navigation :true,// Show next and prev buttonsslideSpeed :300, paginationSpeed :400,singleItem:true,autoPlay:1000}); and the css .sliderImgsimg{display:block;width:100%;height:auto;} I tried your code and it works fine here in the codepen example ...
该基于owl-carousel的卡片水平轮播展示特效的原文地址为: 本文版权属于jQuery之家,转载请注明出处:
1 网页简介:基于 HTML+CSS+JavaScript 制作七夕情人节表白网页、生日祝福、七夕告白、 求婚、浪漫爱情3D...
ghost commented Feb 3, 2017 • edited by ghost I'm using two carousels, one for main and one for thumbnail navigation. EVerything works fine, apart from there is a noticeable difference between using the main carousel navigation and using the thumbnail carousel. The main carousel navigation...
通过这个示例,我们可以看到使用 Owl Carousel 创建一个响应式的滑块非常容易。我们只需要引入 jQuery 和 Owl Carousel 的 JavaScript 和 CSS 文件,然后在页面中添加一个owl-carousel的 div 元素。 然后,在 JavaScript 中,我们可以使用owlCarousel方法为滑块设置各种选项。使用这种方法可以让我们创建出漂亮且易于使用的滑...