我目前正在使用 Owl Carousel 在台式机/笔记本电脑大小的设备上显示画廊。但是,在较小的设备上,我想禁用该插件并显示每张图像堆叠在彼此之下。
http://codepen.io/logopogo/pen/MyZoxM The carousel now triggers on each initial tab change, but on returning to a previously triggered tab the carousel doesn't restart. I think it has something to do with the owl.carousel event already having been bound to the element, but I'm not su...
Fork the project, clone your fork, and configure the remotes: ```bash git clone https://github.com/<your-username>/OwlCarousel2.git cd OwlCarousel2 git remote add upstream https://github.com/OwlCarousel2/OwlCarousel2.git ``` If you cloned a while ago, get the latest changes from upst...
该基于owl-carousel的卡片水平轮播展示特效的原文地址为:https://codepen.io/khadkamhn/pen/RxVKXP 本文版权属于jQuery之家,转载请注明出处:http://www.htmleaf.com/jQuery/Slideshow-Scroller/201801064917.html
这是一款基于 owl-carousel 的卡片水平轮播展示特效。该卡片轮播展示特效可以通过前后导航按钮来切换卡片,它是响应式设计,在手机等小屏幕设备上,会自动调节为只展示一个卡片。 使用方法 在页面中引入 bootstrap.css 和 style.css 文件,以及 jquery 和 owl.carousel.min.css 和 owl.carousel.min.js 文件。
使用Owl-Carousel进行评论的响应式滑块 是一种用于网站或应用中显示评论内容的可滑动的响应式组件。Owl-Carousel是一个基于jQuery的轻量级插件,它提供了丰富的功能和配置选项,使得创建滑块变得简单和灵活。 该滑块的主要功能是显示评论内容,并提供了左右滑动的导航按钮,用户可以通过滑动手势或点击按钮来浏览不同的评论。这...
I recently updated the Codepen, JSFiddle, and JSBin templates to work with the newest version of OwlCarousel2. You can find them in CONTRIBUTING.md. greg5green added the question label Aug 19, 2015 Author timwright35 commented Aug 19, 2015 Thanks, the problem seems to be when updating...
ghost commented Feb 3, 2017 • edited by ghost I'm using two carousels, one for main and one for thumbnail navigation. EVerything works fine, apart from there is a noticeable difference between using the main carousel navigation and using the thumbnail carousel. The main carousel navigation...
Hello, i'm trying to set some canvas circle percentage values over a basic owl caroussel, the problem is when i scroll there are some values whom don't display until they reach the first place on the caroussel, anyone knows how to fix th...