“The cinematic power of Imax paired with the film’s authentic sound creates an immersive and transportive viewing experience letting audiences feel like they are there, in the venues with the band,” the film’s director Bernard MacMahon said in a statement.“Becoming Led Zeppelin” explores ...
at locations they view as important to America's history: Three songs off the project were tracked at the Mother Jones Museum -- a monument to the life and work of labor and community organizer Mary Harris, or "Mother Jones" -- while four more of the album's tracks were recorded at th...
I looked at myself, my life a little differently, my scribbles, my drawings were more meaningful. My first painting I’d really connected with was one I had done specifically for my Nanna Mac. After that trip, I caught the train back to North Bondi, quit my job and quit the modeling ...
Owen hopes her own songs resonate as universal. “I don’t want this just to be about my experience,” she says. “People come to read into it what they need to read into it for themselves. You don’t want to make it so case-specific that nobody else can relate to it. The ...
He plays well.he is good at singing .He often sing songs for me. I think his voice is good.we have been good friends for 2 years and i think we will be good friends forever. I enjoy the time with Tom. 英语作文300字 篇13
At about five o"clock,I go homeand do my homework. My school life isn"tvery intreseting,but it is very useful for me. 生活英语作文 篇2 I get up at seven oclock in the morning every day、After I brush my teeth and wash face, I eat my breakfast、My mother makes the breakfast for...