作者:Owen Jones 出版社:伦敦 出版时间:1856-00-00 印刷时间:0000-00-00 ,购买《装饰法则》 The Grammar of Ornament等艺术相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网
Gilded cover of 'Grammar of Ornament', 1910, by Owen Jones (1809-1874) The Grammar of Ornament, the global and historical design sourcebook for which Jones is perhaps best known today. 这本全球性和历史性的设计手册是琼斯最为人知的书籍。 创作这本书籍的初衷是因为欧文担心学生们仅仅去复制博物馆...
A selection of the best prints of vintage patterns from the famous Owen Jones Grammar of Ornament. All are free to print in high resolution.
Jones, Owen London: Bernard Quaritch, 1868. From the third edition of Owen Jones' GRAMMAR OF ORNAMENT first published in 1856. The image of this original color lithograph measures approximately 8 x 12 inches and is matted to 14 1/2 x 18 inches ready for framing. Facsimile of the title pa...
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THE GRAMMAR OF ORNAMENT《装饰法则》 Owen Jones 1 《装饰法则》作者Owen Jones,是现代设计理念的先驱;是1851年世界工业博览会的建筑师之一;亦是1852年新水晶宫的设计总监。 2 《装饰法则》一书是Owen Jones留给世人的宝贵遗产,并成为一部不朽的古典作品。这本书收录了大量的装饰法则的插图,彩色精印、油纸护封。
London: Bernard Quaritch, 1868. From the third edition of Owen Jones' GRAMMAR OF ORNAMENT first published in 1856. The image of this original color lithograph measures approximately 8 x 12 inches and is matted to 14 1/2 x 18 inches ready for framing. Facsimile of the title page and releva...
Jones, Owen London: Bernard Quaritch, 1868. From the third edition of Owen Jones' GRAMMAR OF ORNAMENT first published in 1856. The image of this original color lithograph measures approximately 8 x 12 inches and is matted to 14 1/2 x 18 inches ready for framing. Facsimile of the title pa...