The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, by Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, Ivar published by Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN 0-201-57168-4 (1998) Web Security Testing Cookbook: Systematic Techniques to Find Problems Fast, by Paco Hope, Ben Walther, published by O’Reilly, ISBN...
Testing for SQL Injection Each input parameter should be tested for SQL injection flaws. These are easy to find and confirm. Finding them is as easy as embedding a single quote into the parameter and checking for error responses (which include 404 Not Found errors). Confirming the presence of...
《安全测试指南》为“OWASP Testing Guide V4.0”的中文版,是国内首次出版发售。软件的不安全问题也许是这个时代最为重要的技术挑战。Web应用程序实现了业务、社交等网络活动的飞速发展,同时也加剧了对软件安全的要求。急需建立一个强大的方法来编写和保护我们的互联网、Web应用程序和数据。并基于工程和科学的原则,用...
OWASP ASVS 4.0测试指南是的非正式支持文档,该文档试图描述每个1级控件,不遵守该控件的后果是什么,如何使用已知的开源工具或手动对其进行测试-以及该控件有效的条件。 另外,对于一些控件,已经开发了使用bash或脚本引擎来自动检查所述控件的脚本。 “ ZAP脚本”文件夹包含有关如何开始使用ZAP脚本的指南。 该项目的目的...
OWASP测试指南(Owasp Testing Guide v4)中文高清-第4版-网络攻防文档类资源链接:
Owasp Testing Guide v4 中文版.pdf 版本4.0 OWASP测试指南第四版比起第三版在三个方面更加改善了: 这份指南整合了另外两个旗舰级的OWASP文档:开发者指南和代码评估指南。我们重新编排了章节和测试顺序,目的就是通过测试和代码评估来达到开发者指南中描述的安全控制。 所有章节都被改进,并扩充至87个测试案例(v3版本...
The method used is by following the guidelines from OWASP Testing Guide version 4 using Information Gathering, Input Validation Testing, and Authorization Testing modules. From these three modules, there were 28 sub-tests that were successfully carried out, the results were 15 positive tests, 6 ...
OWASP_SCP_Quick_Reference_Guide -Chinese,OWASP 安全编码规范快速参考指南 上传者:xuri422时间:2019-05-08 OWASP_Testing_Guide_V3.pdf OWASP_Testing_Guide_V3.pdfOWASP_Testing_Guide_V3.pdfOWASP_Testing_Guide_V3.pdfOWASP_Testing_Guide_V3.pdf ...
48 OWAS P测试指南v3.0 OWASP-IG-006 Analysis of Error Codes Information Disclosure OWASP-CM-001 SSL/T LS Testing (SSL Version, SSL Weakness Algorithms, Key length, Digital Cert. Validity) OWASP-CM-002 DB Listener Testing DB Listener weak OWASP-CM-003 Infrastructure Configuration Infrastructure ...