install:编译源码并打包成JAR文件,然后安装到本地Maven仓库中。 在target目录下找到生成的jar文件: 构建完成后,你可以在项目的target目录下找到生成的JAR文件。通常,这个JAR文件的名称类似于owasp-java-html-sanitizer-x.y.z.jar,其中x.y.z是版本号。 例如,构建成功后,你应该能在target目录下看到类似于以下的文...
Takes third-party HTML and produces HTML that is safe to embed in your web application. Fast and easy to configure. - java-html-sanitizer/java8-shim/pom.xml at main · OWASP/java-html-sanitizer
Security Insights Additional navigation options Files main .github aggregate docs empiricism java10-shim src pom.xml java8-shim owasp-java-html-sanitizer scripts .gitattributes .gitignore COPYING ...
Upgrade github mvn workflow to use Java 11 29天前 src Fix IllegalStateException on rgb percentage values (#547) 20天前 .gitignore Ignore .idea folder 3年前 DevStyleXml.prefs Add spotless apply maven plugin to configuration. It will now reformat… ...
The serialization and deserialization process that is critical to the effectiveness of the sanitizer is purposefully lossy and will filter out attacks via a number of attack vectors. Unfortunately, one of the tradeoffs of this strategy is that AntiSamy doesn’t always know in retrospect that an att...
1. owasp-java-html-sanitizer-20160924.1.jar:这是一个用于处理HTML注入攻击的库。它可以帮助检测和防止SQL注入、XSS攻击等安全问题。 2. javaweb常用jar包:这些是Java Web开发中常用的一些类库和工具。例如,Servlet API、JSP、EL表达式、JDBC等。 3. javaee框架常用jar包:这些是Java EE(Java Enterprise Edition)...
By working on this project, you will gain proficiency in Java, shell, JavaScript, and HTML languages. Also, you will learn about two important classes such as htmlpolicybuilder and sanitizers. The sanitizer class has the pre-packaged policies, whereas the htmlpolicybuilder has the custom policie...
Takes third-party HTML and produces HTML that is safe to embed in your web application. Fast and easy to configure. - java-html-sanitizer/owasp-java-html-sanitizer/pom.xml at main · OWASP/java-html-sanitizer