日前,全球开源安全组织OWASP(Open Web Application Security Project)发布了《AI大模型应用网络安全治理检查清单(V1.0)》(以下简称为《检查清单》)。在这份长达32页的《检查清单》中,较完整地介绍了AI大模型部署应用时的安全原则、部署策略和检查对照表,适用于那些希望在快速发展的AI领域中保持领先地位的组织和机构,使...
日前,全球开源安全组织OWASP(Open Web Application Security Project)发布了《AI大模型应用网络安全治理检查清单(V1.0)》(以下简称为《检查清单》)。在这份长达32页的《检查清单》中,较完整地介绍了AI大模型部署应用时的安全原则、部署策略和检查对照表,适用于那些希望在快速发展的AI领域中保持领先地位的组织和机构,使...
日前,全球开源安全组织OWASP(Open Web Application Security Project)发布了《AI大模型应用网络安全治理检查清单(V1.0)》(以下简称为《检查清单》)。 在这份长达32页的《检查清单》中,较完整地介绍了AI大模型部署应用时的安全原则、部署策略和检查对照表,适用于那些希望在快速发展的AI领域中保持领先地位的组织和机构,...
日前,全球开源安全组织OWASP(Open Web Application Security Project)发布了《AI大模型应用网络安全治理检查清单(V1.0)》(以下简称为《检查清单》)。在这份长达32页的《检查清单》中,较完整地介绍了AI大模型部署应用时的安全原则、部署策略和检查对照表,适用于那些希望在快速发展的AI领域中保持领先地位的组织和机构,使...
This checklist is used by WP STAGING development team to harden the application against any malicious attacks.
In short, OWASP is a repository of all things web-application-security, backed by the extensive knowledge and experience of its open community contributors.开放Web应用安全项目(OWASP)是一个致力于提高软件安全性的非营利性基金会。OWASP在“开放社区”模式下运行,任何人都可以参与项目、活动、在线聊天等,...
Developing a secure Web application is very difficult task. Therefore developers need a guideline to help them to develop a secure Web application. Guideline can be used as a checklist for developer to achieve minimum standard of secure Web application. This study evaluates how good is OWASP ...
The Open Web Application Security Project 类似一个安全协会 他们会隔一段时间公布一个top 10的安全漏洞,https://owasp.org/www-project-top-ten/ 我们可以从他的官网看到最新的2021年的安全漏洞公布 1,中断访问, 2,加密问题,或者叫做数据安全问题,或者敏感数据问题,数据安全是一个很大的问题,各个公司都应该重视...
Ottieni la tua checklistWhat Is The OWASP Top 10 And How Does It Work? The OWASP Top 10 is a report, or “awareness document,” that outlines security concerns around web application security. It is regularly updated to ensure it constantly features the 10 most critical risks facing organiza...
For now, you can take a look and contribute to the work-in-progress being made in the discussions "Hybrid application checklist experiments" and "Basic Guidelines for Hybrid Apps".About The Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) is a comprehensive manual for mobile app security testing and ...