I want to block users access to outlook from Outlook Desktop Application but let them access outlook from Outlook on the web (OWA) to improve security. Is there someone who knows how to achieve t... Intune You can use a Conditional Access policy to block desktop...
I was able to target "Office 365 Exchange Online". Under conditions the device platform checked Windows and Mac and on client Apps checked all but the Browser option. For Grant, I checked "Require device to be marked as compliant". This way, it limits Outlook from...
Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $_.userPrincipalName -UsageLocation AU Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $_.userPrincipalName -AddLicenses $LicenseID -LicenseOptions $O365PP #If Move user from one group to another $UPN =Get-ADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName -eq '$($_.userPrincipalName...
Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $_.userPrincipalName -UsageLocation AU Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $_.userPrincipalName -AddLicenses $LicenseID -LicenseOptions $O365PP #If Move user from one group to another $UPN =Get-ADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName -eq '$($_.userPrincipalName...
ueoou6 unoy yo 1s!| e ploy oq ajqeun seM I 'suee May sel aun ulueuq plo-eaK-LS Kw soy auop aney pinoo I 6u!u (poo6)E ay ueeq eney Kew youauy ,Bu!useal lou, ee人e 6uipueds eyino suun ZZ 'y6noy ‘pueau u npe Kue Joy yse 6u!6u...
xmlenc .gitignore .travis.yml Gopkg.lock Gopkg.toml LICENSE NOTES.md README.md duration.go duration_test.go identity_provider.go identity_provider_test.go metadata.go metadata_test.go saml.go saml_gen.go schema.go schema_test.go service_provider.go ...
Registrant Email反查邮箱 注册日期 Creation Date2024-03-27 更新日期 Updated Date2024-03-27 过期日期 Expiration Date2025-03-27 域名状态 Domain StatusclientTransferProhibited (注册商设置客户禁止转移) DNS服务器 NameServerNS1.TAOA.COM NS2.TAOA.COM ...
Block Access I intend to block Outlook only, not the other O365 Apps. Thanks! Hi You could try to target Exchange online as the cloud app and as client app conditions the mobile and desktop clients apps and configure it on block (exclude compliant devices) ...