Hope to see classic one day, blizz ur good at making it for other games 28 Likes Slap-11449 January 14, 2024, 1:34pm 2 At this point, the only thing we can even come close to returning to OW1 would be the 6v6 format, and I really don’t see them changing it back as the...
As soon as y’all can collectively agree on what OW Classic actually is. You say this like anyone who wants 6v6 back even cares anymore. As long as 5v5 is gone it doesn’t matter and any balance issues can be solved after launch. OW1 launch? Great! When Ana was introduced? Fantastic...
“如果我们在此之后再做一次,也许我们会关注“天使”在发布大约一年后真正占据主导地位的版本。这是一个相当大的线索,但是我们还没有准备好谈论它到底是什么样子。” 需要注意的是,《守望先锋》经典版与 10 月 24 日开发者访谈中提到的《守望先锋 2》 6v6 测试不同,两者彼此独立。但Aaron Keller 确实指出,守望...
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235 -- 40:05 App BlizzCon WoW Classic What's Next Panel World of Warcraft 4187 -- 0:41 App 6v6索杰恩暗改回调,干扰弹仍然可以给右键充能 10 -- 41:52 App 2020守望先锋20周第2天【NA】【Boston Uprising vs Philadelphia Fusion】 16 -- 35:37 App 2021守望先锋争霸赛S1常规赛第三周【AUS】...
If we could just get it back to 6v6, that would be a start. 2 ŦȒǏƑȆĈŦȂ Jan 2024 Unfortunately I don’t see them doing an OW Classic for a long time, if ever. If they did do a classic relaunch of the game I’m fairly confident most of the community would...