In addition, it is designed to support distribution across multiple physical servers similar to VMware's vNetwork distributed vswitch or Cisco's Nexus 1000V. openvswitch-common provides components required by both openvswitch-switch and openvswitch-testcontroller....
Also for 2.6 you should not include the devargs argument for the bus slot function. You should add the port with the following command instead ovs-vsctl add-port br0 dpdk0 -- set Interface dpdk0 type=dpdk To add a second port use ovs-vsctl add-port br0 dpdk1 -- set Interface dpdk...
bash: strace: command not found [root@kunpeng82~]# yum -y install strace 原来是ovs-vswitchd没有启动 [root@kunpeng82 ~]# ps -elf |grep ovs1S root673110800-270do_wai09:37?00:00:00ovsdb-server: monitoring pid6732(healthy)1S root673267310800-279do_sys09:37?00:00:00ovsdb-server /etc/op...
ovsctl这个应用程序主要职责是根据用户的命令和ovsdb沟通,将配置信息更新到数据库中,而vswitchd会在需要重新配置的时候和ovsdb打交道,而后和内核datapath通信执行真正的动作(通过netlink传递)。这里规定了命令的语法格式(vsctl_command_syntax )以及所支持的所有命令,这里主要看add-port相关的。... ...