ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=1,vlan_tci=0xf123,actions=output:2 4.匹配源/目的MAC(dl_src,dl_dst) ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=1,dl_src=00:00:00:00:00:01/00:00:00:00:00:01,actions=output:2 ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=1,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:01/00:00:00:...
下发流表的命令,需要加上匹配项和动作,可以匹配到上面提到1~4层。 ovs-ofctladd-flow 1.第一层:入端口 in_port 表示入端口,匹配到之后的actions是output:2, 意思是从2端口转发出去。 使用命令来查看刚刚下发的流表,可以在交换机中找到。 ovs-ofctldump-flows br-test 2.第二层:匹配MAC地址 匹配mac地址的...
2. 添加一条流表规则,丢弃从端口2上发送的所有数据 ovs-ofctladd-flow br0 idle_timeout=120,in_port=2,actions=drop 3. 查看br0上所有的流表端口 ovs-ofctldump-ports br0 4. 删除丢弃从端口2上发送的流表规则 ovs-ofctldel-flow br0 in_port=2 ...
add-flow SWITCH FLOW add flow described by FLOW(通过流的描述来添加流) del-flows SWITCH [FLOW] delete matching FLOWs(删除匹配的FLOW,后面加条件,比如in_port=1) -V,--version display version information(显示交换机版本信息) -O, --protocols set allowed OpenFlow version(default: OpenFlow10, OpenF...
add-flow SWITCH FLOW add flow described by FLOW(通过流的描述来添加流) del-flows SWITCH [FLOW] delete matching FLOWs(删除匹配的FLOW,后面加条件,比如in_port=1) -V,--version display version information(显示交换机版本信息) -O, --protocols set allowed OpenFlow version(default: OpenFlow10, Open...
packet?out switch in_port actions packet... Connects to switch and instructs it to execute the OpenFlow actions on each packet. For the purpose of executing the actions, the packets are considered to have arrived on in_port, which may be an OpenFlow port number or name (e.g. eth0),...
openflow SDN json 转载 IT独行侠客 4月前 112阅读 ovs架构详解ovs操作 OVS常用操作: 1.添加网桥:ovs-vsctl add-br 交换机名 2.删除网桥:ovs-vsctl del-br 交换机名 3.添加端口:ovs-vsctl add-port 交换机名 端口名(网卡名) 4.删除端口:ovs-vsctl del-port 交换机名 端口名(网卡名) 5.连接控制器:...
See Flow Syntax, below, for the syntax of flows. The output format is described in Table Entry Output. queue−stats switch [port [queue]] Prints to the console statistics for the specified queue on port within switch. Either of port or queue or both may be omitted (or equivalently...