ovs-vsctl add-port br1 tap2 --setInterface tap2 type=internalip linksettap2 netns ns2 ip netns exec ns2 ip linksetdev tap2 up ip netns exec ns2 ip addr add192.168.1.102/24dev tap2 ovs-vsctlsetPort bond0 lacp=active ovs-vsctlsetPort bond1 lacp=active [root@bogon ~]# ovs-vsctl sh...
ip linksetdev vethy up#创建两个bridgeovs-vsctladd-br br1 ovs-vsctladd-br br2#在两个bridge上,分别创建bond口,其slave口为两对veth口的一端ovs-vsctladd-bond br1 bond1 vetha vethx ovs-vsctladd-bond br2 bond2 vethb vethy#删除bond口。添加bond时,可用add-bond命令,但是删除bond口,没有del-bon...
quite easy for create bridge, vlan ... I would create a bond interface so i type commands : ovs-vsctl add-bond PROD bond0 eth0 eth1 lacp=active other_config:lacp-time=fast bond_mode=balance-tcp on the physical switch (XOS) i have configured à lacp with an algo address-based L3-L...
$ sudo ovs-vsctl list interface dpdk1 | egrep "name|mtu|options|status" 运行以下命令。请注意,未启用 lacp。 $ ovs-appctl bond/show dpdkbond0 bond_mode: active-backup bond may use recirculation: no, Recirc-ID : -1 bond-hash-basis: 0 updelay: 0 ms downdelay: 0 ...
sudo ovs-vsctl add-port ovs-br0 eth0 1. 2. 查看配置 sudo ovs-vsctl show 475d0100-2d9e-4b97-8351-3c6c9d7256ac Bridge ovs-br0 Port eth0 Interface eth0 Port ovs-br0 Interface ovs-br0 type: internal Port vnet1 Interface vnet1 ...
Add the VF representor net-devices as OVS ports. If tunneling is not used, add the bond device as well. ovs-vsctl add-port ovs-sriov bond0 ovs-vsctl add-port ovs-sriov enp4s0f0_0 ovs-vsctl add-port ovs-sriov enp4s0f1_0 Bring up the PF and the representor netdevices: ip link...
Add the VF representor net-devices as OVS ports. If tunneling is not used, add the bond device as well. ovs-vsctl add-port ovs-sriov bond0 ovs-vsctl add-port ovs-sriov enp4s0f0_0 ovs-vsctl add-port ovs-sriov enp4s0f1_0 Bring up the PF and the representor netdevices: ip link...
$ sudo ovs-vsctl list interface dpdk1 | egrep "name|mtu|options|status" 运行以下命令。请注意,未启用 lacp。 $ ovs-appctl bond/show dpdkbond0 bond_mode: active-backup bond may use recirculation: no, Recirc-ID : -1 bond-hash-basis: 0 updelay: 0 ms downdelay:...
ovs-vsctl ovs-dpctl ovs-dpctl ovs-vswitchd netdev dpctl/add-dpdp[netdev[,option]...] Creates datapathdp, with a local port also nameddp. This will fail if a network devicedpalready exists. Ifnetdevs are specified,ovs-vswitchdadds them to the new datapath, just as ifadd-ifwas specif...
If port is not specified, then displays stats of all interfaces with LACP enabled. DPCTL DATAPATH DEBUGGING COMMANDS The primary way to configure ovs-vswitchd is through the Open vSwitch database, e.g. using ovs-vsctl(8). These commands provide a debugging interface for managing datapaths. ...