dpdkvhostuser和dpdkvhostuserclient是同一种方式的两个模式,通过如下命令可以实现: ovs-vsctladd-portbr0vhost-user-1--setInterfacevhost-user-1\type=dpdkvhostuserovs-vsctladd-portbr0dpdkvhostclient0\--setInterfacedpdkvhostclient0type=dpdkvhostuserclient\options:vhost-server-path=/tmp/dpdkvhostclient0 这...
# Add two dpdkvhostuserclient ports $ ovs-vsctl add-port br0 dpdkvhostclient0 \ -- set Interface dpdkvhostclient0 type=dpdkvhostuserclient \ options:vhost-server-path=/tmp/dpdkvhostclient0 ofport_request=3 $ ovs-vsctl add-port br0 dpdkvhostclient1 \ -- set Interface dpdkvhostclient1 ty...
在DPDK 2.2版本之后,DPDK中的vHost结构被优化成了动态的与QEMU管理的guest memory贴在一起。这时,当一个vHost设备出生的时候,DPDK为它分配的内存不再固定,变得有点像一个临时内存区,这个vHost设备将在这个临时内存区开心的活着,直到QEMU通知DPDK:“嘿,小同志,我需要一个vHost设备”。当QEMU向DPDK索取一个vHost设备...
ovs-dpdk + qemu 使用vhostuserclient通信,连路不通,libvirt报错如下: 832018-05-0413:17:37.265+0000: starting up libvirt version:3.2.0, package:14.el7_4.9(CentOS BuildSystem <http://bugs.centos.org>, 2018-03-07-13:51:24, x86-01.bsys.centos.org), qemu version: 2.9.0, hostna84LC_AL...
iface_types [dpdk, dpdkr, dpdkvhostuser, dpdkvhostuserclient, geneve, gre, internal, lisp, patch, stt, system, tap, vxlan] 运行以下命令。结果显示来自 DPDK 兼容驱动程序的 PCI 设备,例如 0000:04:00.1 和:05:00.0 作为type: dpdk,且没有错误。 $ ovs-vsctl show Bri...
In the dpdkvhostuserclient mode, the socket will be created by Qemu in the /var/lib/vhost_sockets directory. A new group hugetlbfs has been created which will be used to share the socket between Qemu and OvS. The group value in the /etc/libvirt/qemu.c...
In the dpdkvhostuserclient mode, the socket will be created by Qemu in the /var/lib/vhost_sockets directory. A new group hugetlbfs has been created which will be used to share the socket between Qemu and OvS. The group value in the /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf will be configured with the ...
iface_types [dpdk, dpdkr, dpdkvhostuser, dpdkvhostuserclient, geneve, gre, internal, lisp, patch, stt, system, tap, vxlan] 运行以下命令。结果显示来自 DPDK 兼容驱动程序的 PCI 设备,例如 0000:04:00.1 和:05:00.0 作为type: dpdk,且没有错误。 $ ovs-vsctl show Brid...
netdev 层实现了对网络设备(如 Ethernet)的抽象,基于 netdev provider 接口实现多种不同平台的设备,如Linux内核的 system, tap, internal 等,dpdk 系的 vhost, vhost-user 等,以及隧道相关的 gre, vxlan 等。 数据转发流程 通过一个例子来看看 OVS 中数据包是如何进行转发的。