Why play solo when you can enjoy these awesome 2 player games with a friend? Gaming’s detractors like to say that video games turn us into basement-dwelling misanthropes, utterly incapable of social graces, or even of making friends. That, of course, is wrong. Gaming has served as bridge...
In Apex Legends (and now in Overwatch too) I move the crosshair and there is a considerable amount of delay to see this change on the screen. Even without limiting birate or anything. Even using GFN’s competitive mode doesn’t solve the problem. It feels as if the mouse has a ton ...
Void Barrier UI On (default) Void Barrier UI element is displayed above crosshair. Off Void Barrier UI element is hidden. Hide Nemesis Form cancel text Off (default) Cancel text UI element is displayed to the left of the crosshair. On Cancel text UI element is hidden. Relative aim ...
The default settings for Healing Ofuda releases all 10 talismans with a single click. This can be adjusted within Overwatch 2's settings for the heroine. Furthermore, your main healing talent gets cancelled by Defense Matrix, Javelin Spin and Kinetic Grasp, so it's best to avoid enemy tanks...
Off You cannot destroy your own Tree of Life. Hide Tree of Life cancel prompt Off (default) Cancel text UI element is displayed to the left of the crosshair. On Cancel text UI element is hidden. StrategyLifeweaver is one of the most healing-orientated Supports in the game, with his ...
The most important things to look at are Field of View (located in the Video options,explained below), as well as turning on the Kill Feed and tweaking your reticle (crosshair). While the last two are evident, Field of View requires more explanation. In simple terms, Field of View determ...
and you just paid for nothing if you play like that without realizing it. I was a victim of this so I know how amazing it was to go from default RAM settings to xmp 3200mhz (and then, I OC’d further manually). It basically made my OW experience go from stuttery and laggy to sm...
Primary Fire Charge deactivates when player presses Primary Fire only. Secondary Fire Charge deactivates when player presses Secondary Fire only. Hide Charge cancel text Off (default) Cancel text UI element is displayed to the left of the crosshair. On Cancel text UI element is hidden. Stra...