including Lucioball and Winston’s Beach Volleyball. Play to earn new sprays, player icons, and more through a series of event challenges available now through July 29. Then once the games are done, be sure to pick up new Lifeguard skins for Roadhog, Lifeweaver, and Kiriko from the in-g...
As anOverwatch 2 blog postexplained, the Transformers event will run until July 22. Participants will have the chance to unlock new player icons, name cards, and even titles. On top of that, the Summer Games can now be played until July 29. Those who participate ...
Matchmaking is so broken. In a normal comp game said it was for gold (im Gold 3). Getting demolished by one player who was ranked as MASTER. This happened for 4 games, all losses for no reason, just because the match making process is so bad. 1 Like anon15888515April 12, 2023, 2:...
As you play, your Progression Showcase will become more decorated with higher-ranked badges and sub-badges that you can screenshot and share with your friends or on social. Badges will be displayed in places that show off the heroes you play, such as the Play of the Game highlight. Your...
The matchmaker will be updated so that roles on both teams will be similarly ranked. For example, mirroring tanks should more often have similar ranks than before, and likewise, for each respective role. Your competitive rank will update with every 5 wins and 15 losses. ...