Matchmaking for the most part is based around the general SR range of the 12 players involved with consideration to connection quality and group sizes. There used to be more strict measures, but they were removed at the start of season 17 in order to make Role Queue work effectively. WAITRES...
Don’t worry, I’m not going into some hellish reality wherein my job involves watching Blizzard as a whole or something. ButOverwatch 2’smeteoric fall actually offers an important lesson, and it can be smartly be applied toWoWas it stands. Not in a direct parallel, but in the...
You gain about 150-180 BS in 15 turbo matches and around double that in regular matchmaking. The way the system stands rn youd have to play 300 turbo matches or 150 regular ones WITHOUT a single report to gain 4k BS, if you get 1 or 2.reports per conduct you probably will need to...
You expect people to take this as seriously as ranked with nothing at stake beyond the outcome of a game, more lazy matchmaking that will happily put players from gold to GM in the same game while not even role match those of similar skill levels, plus potentially add in unequal win condi...
In competitive matchmaking, PC players and console players will not be mixed in the same pool for competitive matches. You can read the full cross-play FAQ over on Blizzard's website. As part of this, all players will receive a Golden Loot Box to celebrate. Will you be try...
bigger problems even on an individual hero level. They are tweaks, some more interesting than others. I think they’ve done decent nerfs on Mei for instance. I wonder how much activity the experimental mode will see over time. It seems that right off the bat the matchmaking is very loose...