Независимодалиси Tank, Damage или Support, Overwatch 2 имаперсонажзатеб. Overwatch щепродължидасеразвиваиразширявасредовнопусканенасезонносъдържаниенавсекид...
Here are the best collectible skins in Overwatch! Most divisive: Tracer Slipstream Skin Over 200 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Coolest Collectible Skins HOW RANKINGS WORK1. Witch Mercy Photo: Blizzard 162 votes What do you think? Agree or disagree? 2. Genji Oni ...
RoadhogandReinhardtare strong counters, due to their high health, and their abilities that allow them to pull Genji in or push him back, respectively. Skins Below are all theskinsthat can be purchased/unlocked for Genji. Classic Azurite ...
Genji en Zuko :Avec Genji dans le rôle de Zuko, la fougue et l’intensité de la Nation du Feu se manifestent avec brio. Ce skin saisissant capte l’essence du parcours de Zuko : sa résilience, son combat intérieur et son incroyable maîtrise du feu. La vitesse et la précisi...
Skins v·d·e GenjiSkins Common (Free) Overwatch 1 Weapons:#1#2#3 Overwatch 2 Weapons:#1#2#3 Rare 75 Azurite Weapons:#1#2#3 Cinnabar Weapons:#1#2#3 Malachite Weapons:#1#2#3 Ochre Weapons:#1#2#3 ...
Notably, Genji and D.Va are a bit less deadly, Zarya is less shield-y and Sombra is less hacky. We feel the changes in this patch are good for the current state of the game, but we’re already planning ahead for more changes at the beginning of Season 2. We'll...
All the Overwatch 2 Mythic Skins Below, you can find all theOverwatch 2 Mythic Skinsthat have been released into the game or are on their way: Genji Cyber Demon The Genji Cyber Demon Mythic Skin is available in the Season 1battle passat tier 80. This means you have to rank up the ba...
Master the elements with anAvatar: The Last Airbendercrossover event, celebrating unity, resilience and the power within. Plus, prepare to wield the hammer of Gods with theMythic Thor Reinhardtskin and unlock up to five Legendary skins with the Premium Battle Pass. ...
Collapse v · d · eGenji Skins Common (Free) Overwatch 1Weapons: #1 #2 #3 Overwatch 2Weapons: #1 #2 #3 Rare 75 AzuriteWeapons: #1 #2 #3 CinnabarWeapons: #1 #2 #3 MalachiteWeapons: #1 #2 #3 OchreWeapons: #1 #2 #3 Epic ...
Genji also gets a whole new look, going from cybernetic ninja to the cybernetic brawler, Genos! And, when it came to bringing the powerful psychic, Terrible Tornado to life, we knew no other Overwatch 2 hero could match her personality better than Kiriko!