Again, this ONLY happens with Overwatch 2, and I’m not the only one with this issue. I’ve seen you in multiple threads about the same issue, not a coincidence. And I’ve been to Reddit, where you can read about this issue too. But I doubt the developers read issues over there...
It’s been documented in immense detail, with supporting video, on multiple threads both here and reddit. I took my console in for SERVICE because this was getting so bad. I don’t like when players are endlessly critical of the OW development team at every turn, but y’all— at least...
designs. reddit users noted the minimalism over a month ago (opens in new tab) , pointing out that the heroes' ultimate meter have gotten sleek visual upgrades. "it feels like everything lost a little bit of its soul," writes u/the_dok (opens in new tab) , and i'd have to agree...
Reddit was littered with highlights of Cassidy players seemingly mindlessly lobbing grenades across the map to get eliminations on people they couldn’t see. Well, that stops now.HanzoStorm Bow arrow draw progress is no longer preserved while wall climbing.The devs admitted that this was “...
You can find groups onOverwatchDiscord servers, theOverwatchLooking for Group subreddit, or using theLooking for Group system withinOverwatchitself. Doing so will help you improve all of the factors needed to lift your SR ranking, and subsequently help you rise in theOverwatchcompetitive ranks....
Aaron:The Brigitte-Zenyatta-Mei-Roadhog comp was a really fun one to play when doing the internal test. Other than that, I remember Orisa-Mei-Zenyatta-Soldier: 76. Getting only Talon heroes on the team to fight against Talon was fun as well. I hope players wil...
Forums were divided and reddit is inherently an echo chamber. You wont get a consensus of the ‘‘community’’, specially considering the amount of people who have left the game. KnightRaime-1346 July 19, 2024, 6:42am 187 The game isn’t going to change just because a baby is wantin...
DoorlessCal: In fact, it is not unheard of for Devs to respond to player inquiries outside of the forums, namely Twitter and Reddit. I would highly recommend you try to contact some Devs through those platforms as well. And if by some stroke of luck one of them does respond to you,...
of that, I think with the dive meta it just comes down to people making good and decisive calls while everyone else just listens and reacts instantly.” in the interview before the Katowice Qualifier. It will be interesting see how this team will work out and display good Div...