Therefore, patients received a plitidepsin daily dose of either 1.5, 2.0 or 2.5 mg for 3 days and the study concluded that plitidepsin had a favorable safety profile for the treatment of COVID-19 patients that required hospital admission.85 An extension phase I/II analysis86 aiming at ...
The PTK-0796 (MK-2764, 57), an aminomethylcycline with excellent activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative strains, was discovered and evaluated by Paratek in various Phase II trials against common hospital infections. The PTK-0796 is a bacterial protein synthesis inhibitor that was ...
One was a captive born member of a colony, and the other was undergoing rehabilitation at a wildlife hospital. Severe, acute interstitial pneumonia with varying combinations of neutrophils, large foamy macrophages, and fibrin present within alveoli were seen in the lungs and T. gondii confirmed ...
Black Sigatoka, also known as black leaf streak, is the most economic important leaf spot disease of bananas in the region affecting a wide range of cultivars and often completely defoliating more vulnerable cultivars before fruit bunches are mature. It is caused by the airborne fungus Mycosphaere...
With relapses, the burden of Plasmodium vivax infection is probably as large as that of Plasmodium falciparum, as shown in hospital-based surveys in which the frequency of patients admitted with a primary diagnosis of vivax malaria classified as ‘severe’ was not significantly different from that...