Historical overview of chronobiology; Characteristic properties of circadian rhythms; Anatomical organization of the internal clock; Molecular genetics of circadian rhythms; Importance of the circadian clock for human health and well-being.Vitaterna
Kelly G.Baron,Kathryn J.Reid, inModulation of Sleep by Obesity, Diabetes, Age, and Diet, 2015 Circadian Rhythms The term “circadian rhythm” is derived from the Latin, meaning “about a day,” and refers to multiple patterns present in physiology andbehaviorthat occur with a period of abou...
Overall, circannual rhythms share all fundamental properties with those of the circadian rhythms (Gwinner, 1986; Helm and Lincoln, 2017). Irving Zucker (2001) reviewed annual rhythms in mammals and distinguished them in three categories, types I, II, and III (Fig. 1). Common among short-...
relieved,producinganever-increasingpressuretosleep.9However,onlyasubsetof individualswhoworknightorrotatingshiftsdevelopSWD,becausecircadianrhythmsare modulatednotonlybylightanddark,butalsobyotherfactorssuchas“clockgenes,” melatonin,andenvironmentalcues(eg,noise).10,11 ShiftWorkDisorder:AnOverview Prevalence.Drak...
All mammals exhibit circadian rhythms and a circadian clock controlling the rhythms is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. The SCN consists of two parts differing morphologically and functionally, namely of the...关键词:...
Nocturnal eczema: review of sleep and circadian rhythms in children with atopic dermatitis and future research directions. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015;136(5):1170–7. Article PubMed Google Scholar Buddenkotte J, Steinhoff M. Pathophysiology and therapy of pruritus in allergic and atopic diseases...
Overall, several limitations, such as small sample sizes and the lack of a double-blind design, were noted for the above studies. More future clinical studies of high quality are needed to document the evidence for light therapy and pain. Light Therapy for Sleep and Circadian Rhythms Light, ...
Melatonin is a biomolecule that has pleiotropic effects on living organisms ranging from the smallest microbes (bacteria) to humans, animals, and plants, but most of it is related to the regulation of circadian rhythms and biological cycles in animals and plants [1,2]. Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-...
The antagonistic interplay between the sucrose and ethylene pathways is involved in sustaining sugar-dependent circadian rhythms in darkness through post-transcriptional regulation of the circadian oscillator GIGANTEA (GI) [300]. According to these authors, sugars maintain circadian rhythms in the evening/...
Seeing too much or too little light, or receiving light at the wrong time of the day, can upset our circadian rhythms and impact health and wellbeing, increasing the risk of a number of diseases. [1]What is circadian lighting? Circadian lighting is lighting that supports the circadian rhythm...