Read full chapterView PDFExplore book Information Entropy KoheiOgawa, inChemical Engineering, 2007 (2)Means and aims of chemical engineering Chemical engineeringcovers an extremely wide range—unit operations that have played an important role in the early stages of chemical engineering, all systems and...
Chemical industryis focusing more on higher value-added materials compared to commodity chemicals. Chemical-based product design has now become a key topic inchemical engineering. A few computer-aided chemical product design platforms/tools have been developed to help design various chemical products. I...
W. S. Winston Ho Ph.D. (Senior Engineering Associate) (Senior Engineering Associate) Center for Membranes and Separation Technologies, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, 07030, USA Kamalesh K. Sirkar Ph.D. (Professor) (Professor) ...
Removal of heavy metal pollutants from wastewater is critical for preserving a clean environmental setting and guaranteeing universal well-being. Physical, chemical, and biological approaches have been devised for the removal of heavy metals from various wastewater sources. Methods used include electrocoagul...
Summary This chapter is a comprehensive introduction to the field of micro reaction engineering–an increasingly relevant and rapidly expanding segment of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Process Intensification. Here emphasis is placed on the definition of the term " micro-reactor ," which is often ...
For NFC applications, Ni-Zn ferrites offer better suited properties because of its high resistivity, high permeability, low magnetic loss, high operation frequency, and chemical stability. In particular, the high permeability and low magnetic loss of Ni-Zn ferrite sheets help to concentrate more ...
Chemical characterization of fine and ultrafine PM, direct and indirect genotoxicity of PM and their organic extracts on pulmonary cells. J. Environ. Sci. 71, 168-178. [14] Bliss, B., Tran, K.I., Sioutas, C., Campbell, A., 2018. ...
Environmental challenges of plastic wastes can be best addressed through recycling. There are four major types of recycling that can be applied to plastic wastes. These are primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary recycling. Through chemical recycling, plastics can be used as feedstock or fuel ...
Process plant design is the pinnacle of chemical engineering design. Chemical engineering was developed based on the insight by Davis that all process industries used similar unit operations, which could be understood using sector independent analytical tools. Many “design tools” now commonly taught ...
In this review paper, we provide a brief overview of the recent advances in the continuum modeling of gas–particle flows. First, we focus on the kine