The regional air pollution study in Lithuania provided a comprehensive overview of air quality in Lithuania (in Vilnius (capital) and rest of territory) when 375 monitoring sites at different representative locations (urban, suburban, and residential) were equipped with diffusion samplers. The samples...
自1990年以来,主要空气污染物的排放量下降了约50%。 Overview of the Clean Air Act and Air Pollution | US EPA
Sichuan Basin (SCB) is a typical basin in southwest China and a traditional smog-prone area. Control of air pollution in this area is particularly critical
Air pollution is defined as a phenomenon harmful to the ecological system and the normal conditions of human existence and development when some substances in the atmosphereexceed a certain concentration. 大气污染是指大气中某些物质超过一定浓度时,对生态系统和人类正常生存发展条件造成危害的现象。 and in ...
Air purification Air purification Air pollution Air pollution in the industry Air purification techniques Characteristics air pollution Solubility in water International different nomenclature for exposure limits International different nomenclature for explosive limits Tables of solubility of N2 and O2 in water...
Pollutionis the act of a harmful or damaging substance being released into the environment. The harmful or damaging substance is called apollutant. There are typically five recognized categories of pollution or examples of pollution: air, land, water, noise, and light. Air pollution is usually ca...
Book2014,Fundamentals of Air Pollution (Fifth Edition) DanielVallero Explore book Abstract Air pollutantsmay be “criteria pollutants” or “hazardous air pollutants”. Criteria pollutants are used to determine whether a region is meeting air quality standards, i.e. is in “attainment” status. Haz...
Air pollution is defined as a phenomenon harmful to the ecological system and the normal conditions of human existence and development when some substances in the atmosphere exceed a certain concentration. In the face of increasingly serious environmental pollution problems, scholars have conducted a sig...
Developmental neurotoxicity of inhaled ambient ultrafine particle air pollution: Parallels with neuropathological and behavioral features of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Neurotoxicology 59, 140-154. [7] Azarmi, F., Kumar, P., 2016. ...
Hence, searching for effective methods to remove the VOCs is of great scientific and practical importance. Considering the growing concerns about the IAQ, as well as the limitations of primary methods to reduce indoor air pollution, including source control, dilution through ventilation, and air ...