If you want to follow along with this tutorial, please download the example spreadsheet. Generic formula:(reg_hrs*rate)+(ot_hrs*rate*1.5) ArgumentsReg_hrs: the number of regular working hours. Ot_hrs: the number of overtime working hours. Rate: regular hourly pay. 1,5: 1.5 times the ...
To apply the same formula in your new spreadsheet, you need to define the names using theName Manager. To do that, you can follow the link below. https://www.exceldemy.com/excel-edit-named-range/ Thanks! Reply ChristianJan 13, 2022 at 12:31 AM When I do this my mins are always o...
C2:=MOD(B2-A2,1)E2:=IF(C2>D2,MIN(C2-D2,3/24),0)F2:=IF(C2>(D2+3/24),C2-D2-3/24,0) Yes, it is working good now. Thank you for your time. I already have a sheet with different fields and my OT column is working, but I need a formula for DT. Anything over 4 hrs...
Thanks Rejesh. I have added an extra tab (sample) to show the sheet with different entries. On the "Your recall Track" tab I have three lines. The top row shows the overtime hour incorrectly in Column S. This should have been a 1:00 and nothing in column T, it can n...
I need a formula that will accomplish the following, and I am not sure how to create it. We have employees who have 2 different rates, one for Work and one for Drive. Our payroll spreadsheet has ea... I applied the changed code to my google sheet document and with a...
well now. I just tried uploading it to docs and your right its all gone wrong. Looking at it, it has to do with how excel and docs seem to handle empty cells. in the overtime calculation excel is putting a 0 in cells and docs is not. That means that other parts of the formula ...
Excel Your community for how-to discussions and sharing best practices on Microsoft Excel. If you’re looking for technical support, please visitMicrosoft Support Community. Forum Discussion
I already have a sheet with different fields and my OT column is working, but I need a formula for DT. Anything over 4 hrs in the G column (OT) needs to go to H column (DT), but G column needs to stay at 4 Start Finish Total Job Description Reg OT DT ...
BrianN68 It could be C2:=MOD(B2-A2,1)E2:=IF(C2>D2,MIN(C2-D2,3/24),0)F2:=IF(C2>(D2+3/24),C2-D2-3/24,0) BrianN68, you are welcome. So, it works now and there are no open questions? SergeiBaklan Yes, it is working good now. ...