Overtime Exemptions -- Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Employees Under California law,exempt employeesgenerally have a white-collar job, get paid as a salary rather than an hourly wage, and are not entitled towage and hour lawsprotections such asovertime payormeal breaks and rest breaks. ...
Let’s now understand the overtime eligibility criteria for salaried employees in California, since not all are exempt. There are a few key factors that determine whether salaried employees can work overtime: Exempt vs. Nonexempt Status The primary factor in determining overtime eligibility for sal...
1. 并非员工都需要支付加班费(Overtime Pay) 要想明白美国的加班费(Overtime Pay)制度,就要先理解两个概念非豁免员工(Nonexempt Employee)和豁免员工(Exempt Employee),仅仅是听这个名字,会已经晕了。其实这一组概念是1938年通过的公平劳动标准法(Fair Labor Standards Act,简称FLSA)创建的,这个法案最终核心的概念...
Non-exempt employees, on the other hand, are entitled not only to receive the minimum wage for their work but also overtime pay for each hour they work in excess of 40 hours in the same workweek. And if a non-exempt employee works a split shift, she is also entitled to receive a sp...
Like California, Alaska’s state overtime law requires that employers pay overtime when a non-exempt employee logs more than 40 hours of work and eight hours in a workday. However, the overtime rules have a number of exemptions related to occupations in agriculture and aquatic work. Co...
Hours for Non-Exempt Employees Non-exempt employees may be paid a salary, but are also paid overtime when they work more than 40 hours in a week. Employers typically want non-exempt employees to work 40 hours per week or less. FLSA rules require employers to convert the salary to an equ...
Partner Gregg Kahn addresses exempt versus non-exempt, payment of overtime and other wage-and-hour issues that may arise in the remote working context. CLE Credit is available in California, Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, New York. HRCI and SHRM credits pending....
Generally, non-exempt employees within the private sector are not eligible for comp time and must be given overtime pay for all extra hours worked.Still, some states have their own laws regarding the use of comp time.For instance, there are a few states that allow employers within the ...
1. Exempt vs. nonexempt employees Your overtime policy must address the difference between exempt and nonexempt employees. Explain that nonexempt employees receive overtime wages for hours over 40 worked while exempt employees don’t. In addition to outlining this difference, you should also tell...
Collective bargaining agreements or union contracts between unionized employees and their employers can also stipulate exceptions to overtime pay rules.4 When do I earn double time? If you are a non-exempt employee, you begin to make double-time pay, rather than just overtime pay, whenever you...