Despite an emerging consensus that states often prefer covert action to avoid these liabilities, leaders sometimes opt for overt action anyway. Why? Drawing on the concept of loss aversion, this article argues that leaders' tolerance for risk differs depending on whether the goal is to overthrow ...
d) overt, covert Psychology: Psychology is the study of the human brain and primarily focuses on the behavior of an individual in different scenarios and how an individual processes gave information. Psychology can be used to know the hidden...
6.(Psychology)psycholthe act of concentrating on any one of a set of objects or thoughts. See alsoselective attention sentence substitute (Military) the order to be alert or to adopt a position of formal military alertness [C14: from Latinattentiō,fromattendereto apply the mind to; see atten...
1. Department of Psychology, Yale University, Yale Station, P.O. Box 11A, 06520-7447, New Haven, Connecticut ;Kluwer Academic Publishers-Human Sciences PressJournal of Child & Family StudiesKazdin, A. E. (1992). Overt and covert antisocial behavior: Child and family character- istics among ...
隐性自恋特质攻击目的 本研究考察大学生显性自恋和隐性自恋与特质攻击之间的关系.方法 对602名大学生施测显性自恋人格问誊(NPI-16)、隐性自恋人格问卷(HSNS)、攻击问卷(AQ)以及自尊量表(SES).结果(①大学生显性自恋和隐性自恋与攻击行为均呈现显著正相关;②在控制了被试的基本信息变量和自尊后,隐性自恋对攻击总分、...
PsychologyGibbsPsychologyWileyAggressive BehaviorLiau AK, Barriga AQ, Gibbs JC. Relations between self-serving cognitive distortions and overt versus covert antisocial behavior in adolescents. Aggressive Behavior. 1998; 24 :335–346. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1098-2337(1998)24:53.0.CO;2-G. [ Cross Ref ...
This study investigated student preference for overt vs. covert responding in a web-based tutorial using a within-subject design. Twenty-six social psychology students were exposed to the same two treatment conditions: covert question format (which required passive responding—"thinking" about an ...