be overrun by / with stha tiny island overrun by tourists 挤满了游客的小岛 【例句】 The house was overrun with mice. 房子里鼠患成灾。 2. 【释义】 [I,T]to take more time or money than intended 超出,超过(预期的时间或金钱): 【例句】 ...
In the summer, the town isoverrunwith/by tourists. [=is filled with tourists] 2 :to run or go beyond or past (something) The runneroverran[=ran past] third base. The planeoverranthe runway. The stream hasoverrun[=overflowed] its banks. ...
The city was being overrun by enemy troops. Rats overran the ship. In the summer, the town is overrun with/by tourists. [=is filled with tourists] 2 : to run or go beyond or past (something) The runner overran [=ran past] third base. The plane overran the runway. The stream has...
or with, our conversation.@JohnKD@Garciadanieltsr is one heck of a student. He will make use ...
The house was completelyoverrunwith mice. 这房子简直成了老鼠的天下。 牛津词典 Enemy soldiers hadoverrunthe island. 敌军士兵侵占了该岛。 牛津词典 Her lectures neveroverrun. 她讲课从不拖堂。 牛津词典 You'veoverrunyour time by 10 minutes.
2. spread over, overwhelm, choke, swamp, overflow, infest, inundate, permeate, spread like wildfire, swarm over, surge over, overgrow The flower beds were overrun with weeds. 3. exceed, go beyond, surpass, overshoot, outrun, run over or on Costs overran the budget by about 30%. Collins...
2 [transitive] if a place is overrun by unwanted things or people, they spread over it in great numbersbe overrun by/with something a tiny island overrun by tourists The house was overrun with mice.文法Overrun is usually passive in this meaning.3 [transitive] if a place is overrun by ...
2 [transitive] if a place is overrun by unwanted things or people, they spread over it in great numbersbe overrun by/with something a tiny island overrun by tourists The house was overrun with mice.Gramática Overrun is usually passive in this meaning.3 [transitive] if a place is overrun ...
be overrun with ivy 茑萝蔓生。 be overrun with mice 老鼠猖獗。 His speech overran the time allotted. 他的演说超过了规定时间。 overrun the constable 〔口语〕 1. 乱花乱用;负债。 2. 瞎谈不知道的事情。n.1.蔓延;猖獗,跋扈;横行为害;泛滥成灾;超越限度。2.超出量;余额。3.【航空】清除区〔机场...
Feeling the need to urinate urgently or often Other symptoms may include: Excessive fatigue Upset stomach Back pain Pain during sex Constipation Menstrual changes Abdominal swelling with weight loss If you experience one or more of these symptoms more than 12 times in a month (not necessarily conse...