this even applies to most dress clothes. When you arrive, hang your clothes in the closet or even in the bathroom when you shower to release more wrinkles. Your hotel should have an iron for any necessary touchups beyond that.
overnightadv(for the duration of one night)SCSimplified Chinese通宵 SCSimplified Chinese整个晚上zhěng gè wǎn shàng TCTraditional Chinese整個晚上 Janice stayed overnight at a hotel. 珍妮丝整个晚上都呆在酒店。 overnightadvfigurative(suddenly)(比喻突然)SCSimplified Chinese一夜之间 ...
aHe has enjoyed global literary and DVD success with his recipes and also previously worked at the executive chef at the world renowned Shelbourne Hotel in Dublin, Ireland. 他享受全球书面和有 的 DVD 成功他的菜谱以及以前在爱尔兰的都柏林在世界闻名的 Shelbourne 旅馆在行政厨师处工作。 [translate]...