在overleaf上使用LaTeX写中文论文,编译时报错:The font “XXX” cannot be found 首先:确保compiler编译器是选择 “XeLaTeX” 其次:了解到 诸如: {Times New Roman PS Std} 、{Mosquito Formal Std} 、{Lucida Sans Typewriter Std}、{Lucida Sans Typewriter} 等这些英文字体和 {Adobe Song Std} 、{Adobe Song...
在overleaf上使用LaTeX写中文论文,编译时报错:The font “XXX” cannot be found 首先:确保compiler编译器是选择 “XeLaTeX” 其次:了解到 诸如: {Times New Roman PS Std} 、{Mosquito Formal Std} 、{Lucida Sans Typewriter Std}、{Lucida Sans Typewriter} 等这些英文字体和 {Adobe Song Std} 、{Adobe Song...
I followed the instruction to install overleaf on my ubuntu server. It can run very well, but when I upload my tex code to the server and compile it with xelatex. The overleaf give me a message "Package fontspec Error: The font "Times New Roman" cannot be found." How can I install...
Some packages and bibliography styles still rely on the old font commands, which means the problem is not actually in your project. If this happens, a possible workaround is totemporarily recreate them using the instructions in this post. If you are using the memoir class, there is anoldfont...
! The font "Droid Sans Mono" cannot be found. Google's Droid fontshave been removed from Ubuntu, so if you have been using them with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX, you will need to switch to the new Noto fonts that are replacing them.
assigning projects; and by joining a managed Overleaf subscription or using a managed account, you give us all permissions as may be required for us to act in accordance with their directions and requests in respect of your Overleaf account and stuff. These permissions, which cannot be revoked,...
\begin{CJK}{UTF8}{mj}will start aCJKenvironment, the first parameter passed to the environment declaration is the text encoding. Use onlyUTF8on Overleaf, since all text files on Overleaf are UTF8. The second parameter is the font family to be used: usemjfor Korean. ...
File XXX not found on input line XXX This error is related to a file which cannot be found byLaTeX. This error usually appears when either The file path contains forbidden characters You have forgotten to upload the file The file path is spelled incorrectly....
For example, if you try to load Noto Color Emoji (NotoColorEmoji.ttf) XeLaTeX will fail with a potentially misleading error claiming that Noto Color Emoji “cannot be found”. The following LaTeX code, typeset using XeLaTeX, does not work: \documentclass{article} \usepacka...
The correct URL can be found by clicking the Git option in the Menu within the project. For Overleaf cloud, Git integration is a premium feature, so it will only be available if the project owner has a paid subscription to Overleaf or has been granted access to the feature (by ...