To load your own preferred fonts for the Japanese text, you'll also need theluatexja-fontspecpackage: \usepackage[match]{luatexja-fontspec}\setmainjfont{TakaoMincho}\setsansjfont{TakaoGothic}\setmonojfont{Komatuna} See theluatex-ja package documentationfor its other (very extensive) Japanese...
Open this example in Overleaf This example produces the following output: Other mathematical fonts It is possible to set a different font family for a complete mathematical expression: \begin{align*}3x^2\inR\subsetQ\\\mathnormal{3x^2\inR\subsetQ}\\\mathrm{3x^2\inR\subsetQ}\\\mathit{3x^...
So far so good. Now suppose we were using a template originally created for an English document, which sets section headers in sans serif type using thetitlesecpackage: \RequirePackage{titlesec}\titleformat{\section}{\Large\sffamily\bfseries}{\thesection}{1em}{}\usepackage{polyglossia}\setdefau...
When it comes to quotations and quotation marks, each language has its own symbols and rules. For this reason, several LaTeX packages have been created to assist in typesetting quotations in-line, in display mode or at the beginning of each chapter. It's important to remark that even if yo...
To load your own preferred fonts for the Japanese text, you'll also need theluatexja-fontspecpackage: \usepackage[match]{luatexja-fontspec}\setmainjfont{TakaoMincho}\setsansjfont{TakaoGothic}\setmonojfont{Komatuna} See theluatex-ja package documentationfor its other (very extensive) Japanese...
List of Greek letters and math symbols Mathematical fonts Using the Symbol Palette in Overleaf Figures and tables Inserting Images Tables Positioning Images and Tables Lists of Tables and Figures Drawing Diagrams Directly in LaTeX TikZ package
We will start with a simplebabelpackage example that typesets a document in Spanish: \documentclass{article}\usepackage[spanish]{babel}\begin{document}\tableofcontents\vspace{2cm}%Add a 2cm space\begin{abstract}Este es un breve resumen del contenido del documento escrito en español.\end{abstr...
We will start with a simplebabelpackage example that typesets a document in Spanish: \documentclass{article}\usepackage[spanish]{babel}\begin{document}\tableofcontents\vspace{2cm}%Add a 2cm space\begin{abstract}Este es un breve resumen del contenido del documento escrito en español.\end{abstr...
It is possible to set a different font family for a complete mathematical expression: \begin{align*}3x^2\inR\subsetQ\\\mathnormal{3x^2\inR\subsetQ}\\\mathrm{3x^2\inR\subsetQ}\\\mathit{3x^2\inR\subsetQ}\\\mathbf{3x^2\inR\subsetQ}\\\mathsf{3x^2\inR\subsetQ}\\\mathtt{3x^2\...
breakatwhitespace- sets if automatic breaks should only happen at whitespaces breaklines- automatic line-breaking keepspaces- keep spaces in the code, useful for indetation tabsize- default tabsize escapeinside- specify characters to escape from source code toLaTeX(e.g.escapeinside={\%*}{*)}...