更改正文字体类型代码为\setCJKmainfont{AR PL SungtiL GB},各类中文字体名称参阅官网Overleaf中文字体名称;更改英文及数字字体类型代码为\setmainfont{Times New Roman}。 \documentclass{article} \usepackage{xeCJK} \usepackage{ctex} \setCJKmainfont{AR PL SungtiL GB} \setmainfont{Times New Roman} \begin...
Set Main Document The main document in Overleaf is the file whichLaTeXwill be told to compile first. It is the main file of the project, which all other parts (classes, packages, chapters etc.) will be inputted into. When this is not set manually, Overleaf will choose a document in ...
Set Main Document The main document in Overleaf is the file whichLaTeXwill be told to compile first. It is the main file of the project, which all other parts (classes, packages, chapters etc.) will be inputted into. When this is not set manually, Overleaf will choose a document in ...