†The Personal plan is no longer available to new subscribers. Inviting collaborators:read more More compile time available You have more time for compilation (to generate a PDF of your document) before receiving a timeout error message. ...
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{book}\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\usepackage{titlesec}\titleformat{\chapter}% command[display]% shape{\bfseries\Large\itshape}% format{Story No.\ \thechapter}% label{0.5ex}% sep{\rule{\textwidth}{1pt}\vspace{1ex}\centering}% before-code[\vspace{-0.5ex}%\rule...
This is due to an important change to LaTeX introduced in 2018: a switch to UTF-8 as the defaultinputencoding. Documents typeset with pdfLaTeX, and using UTF-8 encoded text, including those created and typeset on Overleaf, no longerneedto include\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}but isdoes no ...
If you’re experiencing connection issues, or if part of the editor or PDF viewer is not loading or displaying as expected, please try the troubleshooting steps onthis page. Try the forums If no line number is given and you aren't able to decipher the given error message, a quick "copy...
The text is automatically set right-to-left, starting on the right-hand edge of the page. The word “differentiation” itself is typeset correctly as left-to-right text–but wait,no it’s not! It’s rendered as “dffirentiation” in the output! What’s going on?
ThexeCJKpackage andctexpackage bundle are frequently used for typesetting CJK documents; and specifically Chinese in the case ofctex. Thectexpackage, as well asctexart,ctexbook,ctexrep,ctexbeamerdocument classes no longer load theulemandxeCJKfntefpackages automatically, so you will need to load these...
nolabel—do not insert a marginal note for\labelcommands draft[default]—does nothing, partner of... final—turns off all the package's functionality Note thatshowlabelsshould be included after the packagesamsmathandhyperrefto work correctly with them. See theofficial documentation (PDF)for more ...
This is a gorgeous template for bioRxiv pre-prints. An example manuscript using it can be found here. Ricardo Henriques \begin{now} Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work. Sign up for freeExplore all plans...