bg}{Gravitational constant}\nomunit{\SI[group-digits=false]{6.67430e-11}{\meter\cubed\per\kilogram\per\second\squared}}}\nomenclature[B, 03]{\(\mathbb{R}\)}{Real numbers}\nomenclature[B, 02]{\(\mathbb{C}\)}{Complex numbers}\nomenclature[B, 01]{\(\mathbb{H}\)}{Quaternions}\...
\mathbb{#1}is what the command actually does—its definition. In this case, the parameter, referenced as#1, will be written using blackboard boldface characters. If a command needs more than one parameter, you can refer to each parameter using#1,#2and so on. Up to 9 parameters are suppor...
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \begin{document} Assume we have the next sets \[ S = \{ z \in \mathbb{C}\, |\, |z| < 1 \} \quad \textrm{and} \quad S_2=\partial{S} \] \end{document} Open this example in Overleaf This example produces the following output: ...
\mathbb{#1}is what the command actually does—its definition. In this case, the parameter, referenced as#1, will be written using blackboard boldface characters. If a command needs more than one parameter, you can refer to each parameter using#1,#2and so on. Up to 9 parameters are suppor...
{Gravitational constant}\nomenclature[B, 03]{\(\mathbb{R}\)}{Real numbers}\nomenclature[B, 02]{\(\mathbb{C}\)}{Complex numbers}\nomenclature[B, 01]{\(\mathbb{H}\)}{Octonions}\nomenclature[C]{\(V\)}{Constant volume}\nomenclature[C]{\(\rho\)}{Friction index}\printnomenclature\end...
\mathbb{#1}is what the command actually does—its definition. In this case, the parameter, referenced as#1, will be written using blackboard boldface characters. If a command needs more than one parameter, you can refer to each parameter using#1,#2and so on. Up to 9 parameters are suppor...
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \begin{document} \begin{align*} RQSZ \\ \mathcal{RQSZ} \\ \mathfrak{RQSZ} \\ \mathbb{RQSZ} \end{align*} \end{document} Open this example in Overleaf This example produces the following output: Other mathematical fo...
bg}{Gravitational constant}\nomunit{\SI[group-digits=false]{6.67430e-11}{\meter\cubed\per\kilogram\per\second\squared}}}\nomenclature[B, 03]{\(\mathbb{R}\)}{Real numbers}\nomenclature[B, 02]{\(\mathbb{C}\)}{Complex numbers}\nomenclature[B, 01]{\(\mathbb{H}\)}{Quaternions}\...
The line \newcommand{\bb}[1]{\mathbb{#1}} defines a new command that takes one parameter, where: \bb is the name of the new command. [1] is the number of parameters the new command will take. \mathbb{#1} is what the command actually does—its definition. In this case, the para...
\mathbb{#1}is what the command actually does—its definition. In this case, the parameter, referenced as#1, will be written using blackboard boldface characters. If a command needs more than one parameter, you can refer to each parameter using#1,#2and so on. Up to 9 parameters are suppor...