4. 这里我们可以直接选择Open as Template,它直接在overleaf上以此模板建立一个新project,由于在线overleaf编辑容易受到网络影响,我这里采用的是将模板源码下载到本地使用texstudio编辑,选择View Source可以直接下载源码。 5. 模板源码解读 下载源码解压后,我们会得到如下的文件,其中第一个conference_101719.pdf是示例lat...
LetPub is a leading scholarly editing company that helps researchers publish in prestigious journals worldwide. This is a basic journal article template w...
安装完TeX Live,就可以使用它自带的TeXworks编辑器编写Latex代码了,但界面光秃秃,没有快捷按钮,很多人并不喜欢用: 附:这就像大家写Python代码时,都不喜欢用自带的编辑器,而使用Pycharm或VS Code一样。 这里,我推荐使用TeXstudio编辑器编写Latex代码。 附:若使用VS code,记得事先安装Latex Workshop并配置环境,...
This is the template for LaTeX submissions to eLife. You can use Overleaf to write and collaborate online in LaTeX using the template. Once your article is ...
第一步:注册Overleaf账号你可以在官网进行注册:Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editor 第二步:打开模板点击AAAI Press LaTex Template并选择 Open as Template 第三步:更改标题,作者和脚注打开report.tex,修改以下的内容更改标题和作者信息:打开defs.tex,更改脚注内容: ...
This template can also be downloaded from Github. This is just an example/guide for you to refer to when submitting manuscripts to Frontiers, it is not ma...
\begin{now} Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work. Sign up for freeExplore all plans
Official LaTeX template for Volcanica article submissions. Suitable for Research, Review, Methods, and Report article types.
American Journal Experts (AJE) has helped thousands of researchers get their manuscripts published in the best journals in the world. In addition to prepa...
Template for any Seminar/Thesis at IDEA Lab, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)