\documentclass{article}\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\usepackage{graphicx}\title{A project with images}\author{Overleaf}\date{}\begin{document}\maketitle\section{Introduction}\begin{figure}[htp]\centering\includegraphics[width=4cm]{InsertingImagesEx5}\caption{An image of a galaxy}\label{fig:galaxy}\...
When writing a thesis you may want to include some slightly more complicated figures with multiple images. You can do this usingsubfigureenvironments inside afigureenvironment. Before we can do this though, we need to load up thecaptionandsubcaptionpackages: ...
Elements inserted with the conventional figure* and table* environments will show up only at the top or bottom of the next page after they are inserted, and will break the layout. The example presented here is a workaround, but you may expect some rough edges. For instance, if the float...
Captioning images to add a brief description and labelling them for further reference are two important tools when working on a lengthy text. Captions Let's start with a caption example: \begin{figure}[h]\caption{Example of a parametric plot ($\sin(x),\cos(x), x$)}\centering\includegraph...
You can configure your Overleaf project to synchronize directly with a repository on GitHub, or you can use raw git access. This allows you to work offline and synchronize your files whenever you come back online. You can also use our Overleaf Git Bridge integration, which lets you git clone...
defined($NEW_PDF_AGE);returnifdefined($ORIG_PDF_AGE)&&$NEW_PDF_AGE==$ORIG_PDF_AGE;# Figure out where qpdf is$qpdf//="/usr/bin/qpdf";$qpdf=$ENV{QPDF}ifdefined($ENV{QPDF})&&-x$ENV{QPDF};returnif!-x$qpdf;$qpdf_opts//="--linearize --newline-before-endstream";$qpdf_opts...
The figure starts with the (previously explained) declaration of thetikzpictureandaxisenvironments, but theaxisdeclaration has a number of new parameters: x tick label style={/pgf/number format/1000 sep=} This piece of code defines a complete style for the plot. With this style you may includ...
\section{First section}Below is a simple 3d plot\begin{figure}[h]\centering\subimport{img/}{plot1.tex}\caption{Caption}\label{fig:my_label}\end{figure}[...] As you see, this file imports apgf plotfile called "plot1.tex" that creates a 3d plot. This file is imported by ...
Figure 1: A screenshot of a project being edited in Overleaf Extended Community Edition. Community EditionOverleaf is an open-source online real-time collaborative LaTeX editor. Overleaf runs a hosted version at www.overleaf.com, but you can also run your own local version, and contribute to ...
\documentclass[../main.tex]{subfiles}\graphicspath{{\subfix{../images/}}}\begin{document}\textbf{Hello world!}\begin{figure}[bh]\centering\includegraphics[width=3cm]{overleaf-logo}\label{fig:img1}\caption{Overleaf logo}\end{figure}Hello, here is some text without a meaning...\end{document...