{ di in red _n "There are no overidentifying restrictions." exit } return scalar dfu=`Nprec'-`K' return scalar dfr=`Nprec'-`L' return scalar N = e(N) di in gr _n "Tests of overidentifying restrictions:" if "`chi2'`all'" != "" { return scalar sargan = `sargan' return ...
in > residuals of order > > > 2 is 0:H0: no autocorrelation z > = 0.56 Pr > z = > 0.577538 > .1588098 > > > > > > > > From my understanding of the sargan test, the > chi2(344) = 1.0000 > > > should mean that I cannot reject the > overidentifying restrictions. >...
xtoverid, robust Test of overidentifying restrictions: Cross-section time-series model: xtivreg g2sls robust Sargan-Hansen statistic 1.777 Chi-sq(2) P-value = 0.4112 * xtoverid after xtivreg, fe: . quietly xtivreg lny_l medium large grupo intra1 inter1_p (lnRDs_l lnCFs_l= lag1RD lag...
. xtoverid, robust Test of overidentifying restrictions: Cross-section time-series model: xtivreg fe robust Sargan-Hansen statistic 2.107 Chi-sq(2) P-value = 0.3488 Aquest correu electrònic i els annexos poden contenir informació confidencial o protegida legalment i està adreçat exclusivament...