overflow-clip-margin: content-box; 的详细解释 1. overflow-clip-margin属性的作用 overflow-clip-margin 是一个 CSS 属性,它允许你为具有 overflow 属性且值不为 visible 的元素定义一个裁剪外边距(clip margin)。这个属性在需要控制元素内容溢出边界的裁剪行为时非常有用。通过 overflow-clip-margin,你可以确保在...
img,video,canvas,svg:not(:root) {overflow:clip;overflow-clip-margin:content-box; }iframe,object,embed,fencedframe{overflow:clip!important;overflow-clip-margin:content-box!important; } Note that the change above is consistent with the current behaviour for<svg>where all values other thanvisibleclip...
overflow: clip content is clipped to the overflow clip edge whereas overflow: hidden content is clipped to the padding box. But what if you want content that is programmatically scrollable but clipped to the overflow clip edge? It seems like you have to choose between your content looking like...